

God works wonderfully through the faithfulness of people in many different vocations. It isn't just through the clergyman that our Father providentially cares for and speaks to us. It isn't just in a church building or at a church event that we can expect to see God at Work.

In his book Gene Edward Veith observes God's mighty hand at work through every day living and working: "God healed me. I wasn't feeling well, so I went to the doctor. The nurse ran some tests, and the lab technicians identified the problem; so the doctor wrote me a prescription, I got it filled at the pharmacist, and in no time I was a lot better. But it was still God who healed me . . . .

"God fed me, not with manna but with what the teenager working at the fast-food joint gave me. God clothed and sheltered me, with the help of my employer. God protected me, though I wish the highway patrolman hadn't pulled me over. God gave me pleasure, thanks to the talents he gave that musician playing on my new CD" (God At Work, p. 25).


Preaching September/October 2002