Philemon 1:8

Paul’s Plea for Onesimus

8 Therefore, although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do,

Philemon 1:8 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
8 Wherefore, though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient,
English Standard Version (ESV)
8 Accordingly, though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do what is required,
New Living Translation (NLT)
8 That is why I am boldly asking a favor of you. I could demand it in the name of Christ because it is the right thing for you to do.
The Message Bible (MSG)
8 In line with all this I have a favor to ask of you. As Christ's ambassador and now a prisoner for him, I wouldn't hesitate to command this if I thought it necessary,
American Standard Version (ASV)
8 Wherefore, though I have all boldness in Christ to enjoin thee that which is befitting,
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
8 Christ makes me bold enough to order you to do the right thing.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
8 For this reason, although I have great boldness in Christ to command you to do what is right,
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
8 Because of the authority Christ has given me, I could be bold. I could order you to do what you should do anyway.

Philemon 1:8 Meaning and Commentary

Philemon 1:8

Wherefore, though I might be much bold in Christ
Or use much freedom of speech in the name of Christ, as an ambassador of his, and great authority as his apostle, which was given him for edification:

to enjoin thee that which is convenient;
which became him as a believer in Christ, and a minister of the Gospel; which was his duty, and was obligatory upon him, agreeable to the doctrines of Christ; who taught men to love their enemies, to be reconciled to their brethren, that had offended them, especially when they repented; and therefore it was fit and proper that he should receive his servant again, since God had called him by his grace, and given him repentance for his sins: upon this foot the apostle could have commanded him, as he did in other cases, ( 2 Thessalonians 3:6 2 Thessalonians 3:12 ) , but he chose not to address him in an authoritative way, but by way of entreaty, as follows.

Philemon 1:8 In-Context

6 I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ.
7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.
8 Therefore, although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do,
9 yet I prefer to appeal to you on the basis of love. It is as none other than Paul—an old man and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus—
10 that I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, who became my son while I was in chains.
Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.