Psalms 104:18

18 The high mountains belong to the wild goats; the crags are a refuge for the hyrax.

Psalms 104:18 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
18 The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats; and the rocks for the conies.
English Standard Version (ESV)
18 The high mountains are for the wild goats; the rocks are a refuge for the rock badgers.
New Living Translation (NLT)
18 High in the mountains live the wild goats, and the rocks form a refuge for the hyraxes.
The Message Bible (MSG)
18 Mountain goats climb about the cliffs; badgers burrow among the rocks.
American Standard Version (ASV)
18 The high mountains are for the wild goats; The rocks are a refuge for the conies.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
18 The high mountains are for wild goats. The rocks are a refuge for badgers.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
18 The high mountains are for the wild goats; the cliffs are a refuge for hyraxes.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
18 The high mountains belong to the wild goats. The cliffs are a safe place for the rock badgers.

Psalms 104:18 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 104:18

The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats
Who have their name in Hebrew F4 from their climbing and ascending them. What we commonly call "a wild goose chase" should be expressed "a wild goat's chase"; for not geese, but goats, are chased; and when they are, they flee to the hills for refuge. Hence they are sometimes called the wild goats of the rocks, ( Job 39:1 ) , and sometimes the rocks are called from them the rocks of wild goats, ( 1 Samuel 24:2 ) . The Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and Arabic versions, render it "for the harts", or deer; and so Apollinarius: but the word is not used of them.

And the rocks for the conies;
who being a feeble folk, make their houses in them, to protect them from creatures of superior power and strength, ( Proverbs 30:26 ) . Some interpret it of the "hedgehog", as the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions: others of "hares", as the Syriac and Arabic, and so Apollinarius; and others of "mountain mice". Now what the hills and rocks are to the above creatures, a refuge and a habitation for them, that Christ is to those that fly to him for refuge; though weak and feeble, sinful and unworthy, he is their rock, the rock of their refuge, their strong tower, and place of defence.


F4 (Myley) ab (hle) Buxtorf. Lexic. fol. 322.

Psalms 104:18 In-Context

16 The trees of the LORD are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.
17 There the birds make their nests; the stork has its home in the junipers.
18 The high mountains belong to the wild goats; the crags are a refuge for the hyrax.
19 He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down.
20 You bring darkness, it becomes night, and all the beasts of the forest prowl.

Cross References 2

  • 1. S Deuteronomy 14:5
  • 2. Proverbs 30:26
Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.