1 Tesalonicenses 2

1 PORQUE, hermanos, vosotros mismos sabéis que nuestra entrada á vosotros no fué vana:
2 Pues aun habiendo padecido antes, y sido afrentados en Filipos, como sabéis, tuvimos denuedo en Dios nuestro para anunciaros el evangelio de Dios con gran combate.
3 Porque nuestra exhortación no fué de error, ni de inmundicia, ni por engaño;
4 Sino según fuimos aprobados de Dios para que se nos encargase el evangelio, así hablamos; no como los que agradan á los hombres, sino á Dios, el cual prueba nuestros corazones.
5 Porque nunca fuimos lisonjeros en la palabra, como sabéis, ni tocados de avaricia; Dios es testigo;
6 Ni buscamos de los hombres gloria, ni de vosotros, ni de otros, aunque podíamos seros carga como apóstoles de Cristo.
7 Antes fuimos blandos entre vosotros como la que cría, que regala á sus hijos:
8 Tan amadores de vosotros, que quisiéramos entregaros no sólo el evangelio de Dios, mas aun nuestras propias almas; porque nos erais carísimos.
9 Porque ya, hermanos, os acordáis de nuestro trabajo y fatiga: que trabajando de noche y de día por no ser gravosos á ninguno de vosotros, os predicamos el evangelio de Dios.
10 Vosotros sois testigos, y Dios, de cuán santa y justa é irreprensiblemente nos condujimos con vosotros que creísteis:
11 Así como sabéis de qué modo exhortábamos y consolábamos á cada uno de vosotros, como el padre á sus hijos,
12 Y os protestábamos que anduvieseis como es digno de Dios, que os llamó á su reino y gloria.
13 Por lo cual, también nosotros damos gracias á Dios sin cesar, de que habiendo recibido la palabra de Dios que oísteis de nosotros, recibisteis no palabra de hombres, sino según es en verdad, la palabra de Dios, el cual obra en vosotros los que creísteis.
14 Porque vosotros, hermanos, habéis sido imitadores de las iglesias de Dios en Cristo Jesús que están en Judea; pues habéis padecido también vosotros las mismas cosas de los de vuestra propia nación, como también ellos de los Judíos;
15 Los cuales aun mataron al Señor Jesús y á sus propios profetas, y á nosotros nos han perseguido; y no agradan á Dios, y se oponen á todos los hombres;
16 Prohibiéndonos hablar á los Gentiles, á fin de que se salven, para henchir la medida de sus pecados siempre: pues vino sobre ellos la ira hasta el extremo.
17 Mas nosotros, hermanos, privados de vosotros por un poco de tiempo, de vista, no de corazón, tanto más procuramos con mucho deseo ver vuestro rostro.
18 Por lo cual quisimos ir á vosotros, yo Pablo á la verdad, una vez y otra; mas Satanás nos embarazó.
19 Porque ¿cuál es nuestra esperanza, ó gozo, ó corona de que me gloríe? ¿No sois vosotros, delante de nuestro Señor Jesucristo en su venida?
20 Que vosotros sois nuestra gloria y gozo.

1 Tesalonicenses 2 Commentary

Chapter 2

The apostle reminds the Thessalonians of his preaching and behaviour. (1-12) And of their receiving the gospel as the word of God. (13-16) His joy on their account. (17-20)

Verses 1-6 The apostle had no wordly design in his preaching. Suffering in a good cause should sharpen holy resolution. The gospel of Christ at first met with much opposition; and it was preached with contention, with striving in preaching, and against opposition. And as the matter of the apostle's exhortation was true and pure, the manner of his speaking was without guile. The gospel of Christ is designed for mortifying corrupt affections, and that men may be brought under the power of faith. This is the great motive to sincerity, to consider that God not only sees all we do, but knows our thoughts afar off, and searches the heart. And it is from this God who trieth our hearts, that we must receive our reward. The evidences of the apostle's sincerity were, that he avoided flattery and covetousness. He avoided ambition and vain-glory.

Verses 7-12 Mildness and tenderness greatly recommend religion, and are most conformable to God's gracious dealing with sinners, in and by the gospel. This is the way to win people. We should not only be faithful to our calling as Christians, but in our particular callings and relations. Our great gospel privilege is, that God has called us to his kingdom and glory. The great gospel duty is, that we walk worthy of God. We should live as becomes those called with such a high and holy calling. Our great business is to honour, serve, and please God, and to seek to be worthy of him.

Verses 13-16 We should receive the word of God with affections suitable to its holiness, wisdom, truth, and goodness. The words of men are frail and perishing, like themselves, and sometimes false, foolish, and fickle; but God's word is holy, wise, just, and faithful. Let us receive and regard it accordingly. The word wrought in them, to make them examples to others in faith and good works, and in patience under sufferings, and in trials for the sake of the gospel. Murder and persecution are hateful to God, and no zeal for any thing in religion can excuse it. Nothing tends more to any person or people's filling up the measure of their sins, than opposing the gospel, and hindering the salvation of souls. The pure gospel of Christ is abhorred by many, and the faithful preaching of it is hindered in many ways. But those who forbid the preaching it to sinners, to men dead in sin, do not by this please God. Those have cruel hearts, and are enemies to the glory of God, and to the salvation of his people, who deny them the Bible.

Verses 17-20 This world is not a place where we are to be always, or long together. In heaven holy souls shall meet, and never part more. And though the apostle could not come to them yet, and thought he might never be able to come, yet our Lord Jesus Christ will come; nothing shall hinder that. May God give faithful ministers to all who serve him with their spirit in the gospel of his Son, and send them to all who are in darkness

Chapter Summary


The apostle in this chapter gives a further account of his ministry among the Thessalonians, of the nature, manner, and success of it, and of his regard to them, and conduct and conversation when with them; and commends their readiness in receiving the Gospel, and excuses his present absence from them. He appeals to them themselves for the truth of it, that his entrance to them, or preaching among them, was not in vain and without success, 1Th 2:1 that it was with all boldness and intrepidity of mind, notwithstanding what he had suffered before for it, 1Th 2:2 and with all integrity and faithfulness to the trust reposed in him by the Lord, without deceit and guile, or seeking to please men, but God the searcher of hearts, who had committed this trust unto him, 1Th 2:3,4 and that neither then, nor at any other time, he had used flattery, or showed covetousness; which he calls God to witness, 1Th 2:5 nor of them or others sought glory and honour, even that which was due unto him by virtue of his office, 1Th 2:6 but had showed all gentleness, humanity, and, affection; which he illustrates by the simile of a nurse cherishing her children 1Th 2:7 and by the willingness he showed not only to preach the Gospel to them, but to lay down his life for them, had it been necessary; so great was his affection for them, 1Th 2:8 and, as a proof of this, he puts them in mind of his labours, both in preaching the word, and in working with his own hands; because he would not be burdensome and chargeable to them, 1Th 2:9 and as for his conversation among them, he appeals both to God and them, how holy, just, and unblemished it was, 1Th 2:10 and reminds them of his tenderness, diligence, and faithfulness, in exhorting, comforting, and charging them, particularly to walk worthy of God; since he had called them to his kingdom and glory, 1Th 2:11,12 and then he expresses his thankfulness to God for their reception of the worth of the Gospel; not as an human invention, but as of God, which wrought effectually in them, 1Th 2:13 the evidence of which were partly their imitation of the churches of Christ in Judea, in doctrine and practice; and partly their suffering the same things they did, of the Jews, 1Th 2:14 who are described by their ill usage of, and cruelty to, Christ, their own prophets, and his apostles, by their not pleasing God, and by their opposition to men; an instance of which is given in prohibiting the apostles to preach to the Gentiles, whose end in so doing with respect to the Gentiles, was that they might not be saved; but God's end in suffering them so to do, was with respect to them that they might fill up their iniquity, and so entire wrath and ruin come upon them, as had been foretold, 1Th 2:15,16 and then the apostle concludes the chapter, by expressing his affectionate concern in parting with them, which was not in heart but in body; by declaring his earnest desire and endeavour to see them again; and by observing to them the reason he had not and could not come unto them, because Satan hindered him, 1Th 2:17,18 the cause of his being so desirous to see them, was their being his hope, joy, glory, and crown of rejoicing, both now and hereafter, 1Th 2:19,20.

\\you\\ The apostle having observed in 1Th 1:9 that those persons to whom the report of the Gospel being preached at Thessalonica, and the success of it there was made, showed everywhere both what manner of entrance he and his fellow ministers had in that place, and the conversion of many souls there; he enlarges upon the latter, and here reassumes the former, and appeals to the Thessalonians themselves, who must know full well, and better than others, what an entrance it was; and which is to be understood not merely of a corporeal entrance into their city and synagogue, but of their coming among them, by the preaching of the Gospel, as the ministers of the word and ambassadors of Christ:

\\that it was not in vain\\; it was not a vain show with outward pomp and splendour, as the public entrances of ambassadors into cities usually are; but with great meanness, poverty, reproach, and persecution, having been lately beaten and ill used at Philippi; nor was it with great swelling words of vanity, with the enticing words of man's wisdom, to tickle the ear, please the fancy, and work upon the passions of natural men, in which manner the false teachers came: but the apostle came not with deceit and guile, with flattering words or a cloak of covetousness, or with a view to vain glory and worldly advantage; nor was the message they came with, from the King of kings, a vain, light, empty, and trifling one; but solid and substantial, and of the greatest importance; the doctrine they taught was not comparable to chaff and wind; it was not corrupt philosophy and vain deceit, the traditions and commandments of men, but sound doctrine, the wholesome words of our Lord Jesus Christ: nor was it fruitless and without effect; the word did not return void and empty; but was powerful and efficacious to the conversion of many souls. Christ was with them both to assist them in their ministry, and to bless it to the salvation of men; nor was their coming to Thessalonica an human scheme, a rash enterprise, engaged in on their own heads, on a slight and empty foundation; but upon good and solid grounds, by divine direction and counsel; see Ac 16:9,10. 06428-940723-0952-1Th2.2

1 Tesalonicenses 2 Commentaries

The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.