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Found 187 Results for member
Being a Titus 2 Woman

John Barnett

The whole goal of a Titus 2 woman is to train younger women in Biblical, simple-to-measure, Spirit-empowered, love-based living. Here are the 6 characteristics....

Preaching the Power of the Cross

The message of the power of the Cross was preached by Paul to a congregation very much embroiled in the practical meaning and effects of power. Power and its irresistible influence were thick in the a...

How Should We Celebrate the Birth of Christ?

There are plenty of decorations to buy and parties to attend during this season... but how should we really celebrate Christmas? The question is important because of the significance of the day and be...

What Happens After Death? Understanding Where Your Soul Goes

Dr. Michael A. Milton

 “What happens to my soul when I die?” The question is not an esoteric inquiry into the unknowable. God has revealed to us in his word what happens to the human soul at the moment...

Seeing Beyond the Suffering This Year

Struggle in the Christian life is inevitable, lifelong and ultimately beneficial. We encounter God’s grace through our trials in ways that would not happen if the trials had not come in the first plac...