Search Results for james 5

Found 449 Results for james 5
Can We Really Believe that God Is Just in an Evil World?

Joel Ryan

We know we live in an unjust world. So is it really possible to believe that God is just?...

Is the Perseverance of the Saints Biblical?

Jean Wilund

The doctrine of the perseverance of the saints affirms that God protects and preserves Christians—His saints (“holy ones”)—for eternity and causes their faith to persevere to the end....

What You Need to Know about the Gutenberg Bible

Dr. Dikkon Eberhart

You may have heard the Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible ever made, or that it was staunchly opposed by the Roman Catholic Church. The truth is a little more complicated....

Who Is a Candidate to Receive a Miracle from God?

Frank Santora

We all face bad situations in which nothing we do seems to make any difference and hopelessness fills our hearts. It’s at times like this that we understand only a miracle will do – only the supernatu...

10 Scriptures to Prepare Your Heart for Thanksgiving

Micah Maddox

The season of thankfulness is upon us! But as believers, we are called to praise God and give thanks all year long. So no matter what time of the year it is, these 10 beautiful verses can help you tur...

How to Start - and Stick With - a Daily Devotional Plan

Micah Maddox

It's New Year's resolution season! And while many of us will be planning to exercise more, eat healthier and spend less time in front of screens (for real this time!) many others will be making lofty ...

Why Does the Bible Elevate Gentleness?

Heather Adams

Looking at how our Heavenly Father is described throughout both the Old and New Testaments starts to give us a sense that this attribute is active, passionate and impactful to those who receive it....

Why Is the Laying on of Hands So Significant?

Bethany Verrett

In the Bible, Jesus does touch people, and for some people touch is an important part of feeling connection. Ultimately, while it is not required for people to participate in the laying of hands, it i...

Why Did Judas Betray Jesus with a Kiss?

Dawn Wilson

Such a kiss coming from Judas on the occasion of a betrayal was not only grievous, it was hypocritical. Proverbs 27:6 could almost be written of Judas: “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an ene...

Where Was Jesus Crucified? - Golgotha "the Place of the Skull"

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth is one of ancient history’s most proven events. The fact has been substantiated by theologian and historian alike. It has been written without hyperbole....

Why Was Lucifer, Satan, Banished to Hell?

Dolores Smyth

Satan’s pride was the first sin committed in the universe, and humanity has been on notice ever since that pride goeth before the fall. Arguably, all sins are rooted in pride if we consider that sin i...

Why Is Jesus Called a "Man of Sorrows"?

Bethany Verrett

The Holy Spirit showed Isaiah a glimpse of the life of Jesus where He was rejected in His hometown, betrayed by people who loved Him, and suffered for others. Most of His life was defined by hardship,...

Does the Bible Say Anything About Being Married to an Unbeliever?

Cathy Baker

Is there no hope for a Christian married to an unbeliever? The Bible has much to say about this topic....

Why Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh Were Given to Baby Jesus

Scott James

One of the most well-known parts of the Christmas story is the account of wise men bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These valuable gifts were clearly intended to honor Jesus, but it’s p...

5 Incredible Things John Calvin Did for the Church

Derek W. H. Thomas

As early as 1553, Calvin began sending missionaries to France. In April of 1555 the Register of the Company of Pastors in Geneva for the first time began to officially list men who were sent out from ...

Being Like Jesus: 8 Weeks in the Beginning of Colossians

The beginning of Colossians tells us how we can be like Christ. We learn the theology necessary to fight evil and the practicality of loving Jesus....

How Can the Church Support Foster Families?

Sheila Alewine

Foster parents care for children who may or may not be orphans. Foster care is designed to be temporary, a time of separation so that the parent(s) can get needed help. The goal is always for a family...

Is It True That Jesus Prays for Us?

Michael Jakes

These three things Christ prayed are what He desires, because they are what we need. But simply due to selfishness and carnality on our part, these things have a difficult time settling in our lives. ...

Can Christians Take Biblical Stewardship Too Far?

Stephen Baker

Stewardship refers to the act of managing someone else’s property that they have entrusted to your care for a time. ...

How Can the Bible Help Us Recover from Burnout?

Ruth Clemence

We are not the savior and rescuer that we often pretend we are. We are finite, vulnerable individuals who need basic needs met to continue to function, let alone thrive. Whereas God can be everywhere ...