Search Results for new heaven* earth

Found 465 Results for new heaven* earth
Ascension Day – A Call to the Great Commission

Peyton Garland

Though there are no Ascension Day "rules" hidden in the Bible, I believe this celebration compels us to fulfill the Great Commission....

Who Wrote Amazing Grace?

Pamela Palmer

John Newton’s story is one of profound transformation and deliverance. It is clear that his radical change resulted in the formation of this hymn. Its words are very relatable for many believers who k...

Is Satan Real?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

A recent study found that more Americans believe in Satan than in God. But is Satan real? Here's what the Bible has to tell us about him....

Can We Find the Gospel in Esther, a Book That Doesn't Mention God?

Mike Leake

Yes, the absence of God’s name is striking in a book of the Bible. But that absence is an invitation to see His work even when it seems that He is silent or absent. In the midst of what appears to be ...

Blind Faith? 6 Reasons We Can Trust a God We Can't See

Ruth Clemence

There is a difference between faith and blind faith. Blind faith is having a belief that is not rooted in true understanding. The Christian faith is evidence-based faith founded on truth and reality....

The Beautiful Symbolism of Snow in Scripture

Emma Danzey

Snow is the precipitation of winter. It helps to provide water that is soaked into the ground and used towards the spring blooms. In God’s goodness, He provides for the needs of the land and people th...

Did God Condone Violence Found in the Old Testament?

Jessica Brodie

Reading the Old Testament with an eye on the New Testament indicates another perspective about the violence throughout the earth’s earlier days. We know God’s ultimate plan involves rescuing His peopl...

When You Pray, Let It Be a Time of Worship

Heather Adams

Prayer is the most intimate way we have of connecting to God. It is an incredible privilege to lift up our thoughts, needs, concerns, and even questions and doubts. Each of those are important to God....

Have You Tried the SOAP Bible Study Method?

Emma Danzey

If we believe God at His Word, then we know that He has spoken to us. He is telling us that His Bible is His Word, and it still speaks today. It is useful to us, changes us, and prepares us to live ou...

The Big Impact of Big Giving

Frank Santora

An offering, because it is voluntary, is determined by each person “in his heart.” It should be a reflection of the abundance we have received, and given with the intent to be a blessing and honor God...

How Can Christians Misuse ‘Whatever You Ask in My Name’?

Melissa Henderson

Think about those words. ‘Whatever you ask in my name.’ Going to God in every situation brings us closer to Him and strengthens the relationship with our Heavenly Father....

Why Did Jesus Have to Die on the Cross?

Heather Riggleman

Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? Couldn’t God just erase everyone’s sins?...

Created for Community

Community is something we all want. How did we get this way? How did this craving, this longing, get hardwired into us? The Bible answers that question by explaining that we are created in the image o...

The God Who Provides

Do you see spiritual things clearly? Or is your vision of God and His will for your life clouded by spiritual cataracts or near-sightedness brought on by an unhealthy preoccupation with things?...

How Many Are the Afflictions of the Righteous?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Are the afflictions of the righteous smaller than everyone else's, or do we suffer as much as non-believers? If so, what's the point? Here's what the Bible tells us to remember about our trials in thi...

How Can I Recognize and Understand the Holy Spirit Better?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus called the Spirit the Comforter, and sometimes the Holy Ghost. It is the presence of the Spirit that sanctifies and convicts Christians after they are saved. It is the Spirit who works in the li...

Beyond Sunday: Is Union with Christ Mysticism?

Paul's teaching on union with Christ has often been labeled as Christian "mysticism." This is an appropriate term if understood in a qualified sense....

Are Demons Real and What Power Do They Have Today?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

We will not use literary device to “hold-out” on the response, as if to build the drama in answer the question. The threat demands an immediate answer: Yes, demons are most dangerously real!...

Why Are There 400 Years of Silence in the Bible?

Mike Leake

I do not believe that these years of silence are like a spurned lover or an angry parent who chooses silence over communication. The people had rebelled and God was continuing to hand them over to jud...

What Was the Role of the High Priest?

Bethany Verrett

The High Priest is not like a pastor or priest, though both do have the ability and knowledge of the Scriptures to teach them. It is a mediator position, someone who intercedes between man and God, an...