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Found 1048 Results for ����� 9 : 10
What Makes a Miracle?

Jessica Brodie

Whether the miracle has to do with healing sickness or infirmity and showcasing god’s power and status as Almighty God matters not; what matters is that the miracle isn’t merely coincidence, but rathe...

10 Signs You’re a Titus 2 Woman

John Barnett

You've likely heard about what it means to be a Proverbs 31 woman. But what does it look like to live as a Titus 2 woman? The whole goal of a Titus 2 woman is to train younger women in Biblical, simpl...

10 Tips for Building Faithful Habits

Lisa Loraine Baker

Have you decided to begin or renew a particular Christian habit? Proverbs 4:7 tells us wisdom is the skillful application of knowledge. There is a moral component to it as well. Know who you are befor...

10 Essential Truths about Christian Giving

In our review of these four New Testament passages, we find at least ten principles for Christian giving....

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is the only way a person will enter heaven. In these days of conformity and inclusivity, however, people rail against anything exclusive. Yes, Jesus is exclusively the only way to heaven, b...

What Does the Bible Say about Knowledge?

Dawn Wilson

God predicted that in the last days knowledge will increase, but the knowledge of the world is not the same as biblical knowledge.What does the Bible say about knowledge? How does it differ from ...

5 Things You Won't Believe Are NOT in the Bible

Cindi McMenamin

Would you believe there are some secular sayings that sound so religious people often believe they came from the Bible?  These pieces of presumed Christian “wisdom” can sound bibl...

Why Did God Kill Aaron's Sons Nadab and Abihu?

Stephen Baker

Along with their father and other brothers, Nadab and Abihu underwent a meticulous seven-day cleansing/consecration ceremony. This assured they might be presented as holy before the Lord and fit for s...

10 Myths People Believe about Their Sunday School Teacher

Meg Bucher

People volunteering to serve God’s church are, first and foremost, still people. God did not grant humankind the power to rise above out of our own abilities. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us, “For it is by...

10 Things You Need to Know about Harriet Tubman

Betty Dunn

With the North Star and her Christian faith as guides, Harriet Tubman led approximately fifteen Underground Railroad trips from Maryland’s Eastern Shore to free northern states and Canada. Here are so...

Who Were Noah's Sons?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The reason God had to allow Noah’s sons and their wives on the ark is because they had a mission to fulfill once the waters receded. Part of that mission was to repopulate the earth. Not only were the...

Are Fallen Angels Truth from the Bible or Fiction?

Hope Bolinger

Especially around the Halloween season, we can hear a lot about demons, otherwise known as “fallen angels.” We see depictions of these beings in movies, TV shows, and in popular literatu...

Who Are the Christmas Angels?

Pamela Palmer

They top our trees, adorn our yards, and may even stand proudly in your local department store. But the Bible has a lot to say about angels, and not just in the Christmas story. Who are these angelic ...

10 Things Christians Should Know about the Tower of Babel

Hope Bolinger

Although the story only spans nine verses, here are ten things Christians should know about this ziggurat structure intended for worshipping other gods....

Is It True That God Shows No Partiality?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Everyone wants equal treatment and unity is broken when a person is singled out for reasons related to a subjective choice. Someone always gets hurts when favoritism is shown. What about with God? Is ...

What Is Hell? A Biblical Guide of Its Existence Editorial Staff

Hell is a place of total, conscious, eternal separation from the blessings of God. If a person rejects God all throughout life, never submitting to him in repentance, then the person will enter eterni...

When Did Jesus See Satan "Fall Like Lightning"?

In one of the more enigmatic verses in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells His disciples, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (Luke 10:18). When did He mean?...

These 10 Verses Will Help Give You Victory in Your Spiritual Battles

Dawn Wilson

When it comes to spiritual warfare, we want to avoid extremes. We don’t want to blame everything on the devil and his cohorts, because sometimes the battle is within our own hearts (Rom 6). But we don...

The Gospel in Amos

How can we as God’s people today benefit from Amos? What is it that God has to say to us today through this Minor Prophet?...