Search Results for acts 5

Found 512 Results for acts 5
The Early Church Has Important Lessons for the Modern Church

Heather Adams

God’s vision for the church, both then and today, is so much richer than a to-do list. The practices of early church leaders and congregations give us a glimpse of the power that walking in faith toge...

What Does the Bible Say about Herod Agrippa?

Melissa Henderson

Herod Agrippa's family play an important part in several New Testament events, and his own story shows some shocking miracles and lessons about why we must give God the praise he deserves....

What Makes a Miracle?

Jessica Brodie

Whether the miracle has to do with healing sickness or infirmity and showcasing god’s power and status as Almighty God matters not; what matters is that the miracle isn’t merely coincidence, but rathe...

5 Tips for Finding Your First Church

Pamela Palmer

Perhaps you are a new to the Christian faith, or something has happened in your life that has made you curious about God. Whatever your situation, because there are numerous local churches, it may fee...

The Magician Meets Philip & Peter

"Simon the Magician" tried to purchase the power of the Holy Spirit from Peter. His name consequently has not been remembered for any great deeds, but for the payment of money for church office ('simo...

5 Examples That Prove No, God Is Not Racist

Kristi Walker

In Deuteronomy, God says that the Israelites are His "treasured possession." So, does this mean that God is racist? Or to a lesser extend, is He showing preference for one group over another? Not at a...

What Do We Know about Paul before His Conversion?

Pamela Palmer

Saul did not believe the Good News that Jesus had been the long-awaited Messiah, and therefore, viewed Christians as deceitful and a threat to Judaism. Saul’s rejection of Jesus as the Messiah led him...

How Peter’s Prison Escape Shows Us the Power of Prayer

Emma Danzey

Peter’s escape was done with confidence because of his trust in God, the power of people praying and the help of an angel. His story reminds us of the freedom that we too can experience in Jesus throu...

What is Glossolalia and is it Biblical?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Glossolalia is a 19th-century term extrapolated from the Greek word, glossa, which is the word Peter used in this passage. Glossa means “tongue” (in this case it means language). ...

What Is Heresy and Is It Something We Should Be Worried About?

Sheila Alewine

As people who believe the Bible is our inerrant, infallible authority, we trust its words to tell us the truth about salvation, eternal life, and what it means to live pleasing to God in this world. O...

3 Scary Stories in the Bible - and How God Is Still There

Heather Adams

As Halloween approaches, it’s natural for our thoughts to turn to spooky images and tales. Believe it or not, the Bible has its share of scary stories to read. In both the Old and New Testamen...

What Do Christians Really Believe?

Stephanie Englehart

Belief in the gospel changes everything. Before Christ, we are lost in a sinless world with no hope, no satisfaction, and no purpose. With Christ, we have new life and new desires....

What Does Paraclete Mean in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

When we learn another language, it brings the words to life. Paraclete has a particularly powerful meaning in the Bible, which we won't fully understand until we look at the original language....

4 Ministries Churches Can Use to Reach More People

Heather Adams

God is always in the business of loving others, and Jesus showed us how. The four years of His earthly ministry were filled with teaching, healing, and taking care of practical needs of people aroun...

What Is a Deacon?

Dawn Wilson

Deacons assist the pastor in a number of ways. This might include helping in programs involving the educational interests of the church, or in evangelistic, missionary, or charitable outreaches. ...

5 Best Ways to Fellowship outside of Church

Lisa Yvonne

Have you ever found yourself rushing into church, eager to “get your fill up” for the week? Or perhaps you’ve had a rough few days and need that encouragement and motivation you&rs...

Mark: from Young Follower to Church Father

Ed Jarrett

While Mark likely never traveled with Jesus, he clearly was familiar with him. It is likely that Jesus visited his home while in Jerusalem. And it is certain that the early church used his home as a m...

Is There a Difference between Religion and Spirituality?

Annette Griffin

These two words evolved so much overtime that their meanings now appear diametrically opposite. But back in the day, the difference between religion and spirituality was rarely considered....

How to Distinguish a True Christian from a Hypocrite

Founders Ministries Blog

How can you tell whether you’re a genuine believer or a false believer? Here are 5 signs of a hypocrite and 5 signs of a true follower of Jesus....