Search Results for conscience

Found 96 Results for conscience
Nine Ways to Know That the Gospel of Christ Is True

A compelling list shared by John Piper explaining how we can be sure Jesus was who He claimed to be. ...

Why Did David Ask God for a Clean Heart and Renewed Spirit?

Betty Dunn

Like king and prophet David in Psalm 51:10, you can ask God to “create in me a clean heart.”  I think of the woman at the well. She was drawing drinking water, no doubt, but I like to think some ...

How ‘And’ Bridges God's Sovereignty with Man's Free Will

Sheila Alewine

One of the great theological battles is whether we as humans have free will over our salvation, or if it is all dependent upon God's sovereignty. There are various schools of thought and both have str...

There is a Way to Be Happy, Even in Sadness

Neither Jesus nor the Holy Spirit has ever sinned. But both have grieved. Both have been sorrowful. Therefore, godly sorrow is possible. ...

5 Lies Sin Tells Us

Michelle S. Lazurek

We live in a society where people don't want to be judged for their sin. Therefore, it gets easier for us to conceal our sin and allow it to become a stronghold in our lives. But through open confessi...

What Is the Meaning of BC and AD? What Does Jesus Have to Do with It?

Mike Leake

If it had not been for a monk named Dionysius the year could have very easily been A.U.C. (which marks time by the start of the Roman Empire) or any other previously used dating system, rather than AD...

Why Did the Veil Tear in Two at the Moment of Jesus' Death?

Meg Bucher

God’s ancient people followed religious laws for every way of their lives, from personal to societal, even in the way they worshiped God! When the curtain, which represented so much of that, tore in t...

What Does the Bible Say about Food and Eating?

Emma Danzey

Food is one of the best gifts that God has given to us. God’s Word has answers for everything. What does the Bible say about food and eating?...

How Should We Respond When Our Faith Is Criticized?

Heather Adams

Christians are called to live and speak differently than those “of the world.” But many believers find themselves worrying that if they fully live out their faith, others will judge or criticize them....

How This Mom and Grandma from the Bible Remind Us of the Power of Small Acts of Faith

Mary Carver

Paul went on to Derbe and Lystra, where there was a disciple named Timothy, the son of a believing Jewish woman, but his father was a Greek. (Acts 16:1) Timothy was Paul’s protég...

What Are the Sacraments of Christianity?

Melissa Henderson

The sacraments of Christianity provide not only an opportunity to confess our faith, but also to draw closer to God. ...

Encouraging Reminders for Those Facing Financial Difficulties

Mike Leake

A majority of people are going through financial difficulties now. Believers in Jesus are not immune — as the decreased giving to local churches shows. Individual believers and our communities of fait...

Biblical Reasons Christians Should Vote

Emma Danzey

Although we ultimately must trust the Lord in His sovereignty with whoever is in the Oval Office, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court, we have a valuable role to play. We have the choice to v...

Unacceptable Thanksgiving

Tim Brister

A person can be a truly grateful and thankful person and yet be ungodly and rejected by God? That is exactly what I’m saying, and I want you to show you why this is true from our text....

How to Find Peace in Our Relationships

What does the assurance of the gospel have to do with pursuing peace in our relationships? Everything. It fills us with joy, power, and confidence as we gratefully obey God in our relationships....

Did Jesus Ever Sin?

Bethany Verrett

If Jesus had not lived a perfect life, His death would have been in vain. Instead, He lived without sin, rose from the grave after His sacrifice, and paved the way for all who put their faith and trus...

Two Parts of the Gospel You Need to Know

Denise Larson Cooper

What is the Gospel? Simply put, the law reminds us that we cannot be good enough for God, but the gospel gives us hope in the Savior....

How Do We Lay Aside Every Weight to Follow God More Fervently?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

We are to use their examples as ways to lay aside every weight. You can determine what your weights are. ...

What Does the Bible Say about Eternal Life - What it Is and Is Not

Stephen Baker

How did this prove eternal life was real? Notice God spoke to Moses in the present tense, not the past tense. ...