Search Results for law and prophets

Found 161 Results for law and prophets
Where Can We See Jesus' Power and Authority on Full Display?

Lisa Loraine Baker

No doubt Jesus exposed His power and authority in the Bible. A look at why He said He came will give us fuller realization and wonder when we regard the Bible passages which record His acts of power a...

What Is the Surprising Meaning of God's Name I Am?

Annette Griffin

When God revealed Himself to Moses as I Am, the name carried such a significant meaning that it would become the banner under which His people would gain eternal freedom....

Is There a Prayer for Repentance?

Rebecca Gordon

In the grand scheme of things, we are always going to be bound to sin and repenting. Our prayers do not have to be perfect, but in repentance, they should come from our hearts and from the Holy Spirit...

How Does Matthew Prove That Jesus Is the Messiah?

Ed Jarrett

The gospel of Matthew, like the other three canonical gospels, tells the good news about Jesus. They are not biographies in the modern sense. They tell us very little about his early life. Rather th...

Who Was Ezra and Why Is His Book Significant?

Heather Adams

Called “the father of Judaism” or “the second Moses” by some, Ezra was passionate about God’s Law. It was the foundation of his own life, and he used the Torah (which later became the first five books...

6 Things to Know about the Messianic Prophecies of Jesus

Dawn Wilson

Biblical scholars say there are approximately 2,500 prophecies are in the Bible—with about 2,000 of them already fulfilled. But only a few hundred of these are Messianic prophecies. Fulfilled prophecy...

What Does Jeremiah 25:32 Teach Us about Pandemics?

Karen Whiting

Christians should realize that the world is connected, and pestilence, disease, and other problems can easily spread worldwide, but love and kindness can spread faster. God can use situations to inspi...

Neglecting the Old Testament

In our circles—our pulpits, Sunday school classes, and Bible study groups—the biggest problem is the ignorance and neglect of the Old Testament. We must admit it: a good many evangelical preachers and...

How 400 Years of Silence Paved the Way for the Messiah

Bethany Verrett

Just because God was not speaking at that time does not mean this was an uneventful period in Israel’s history. Though He was not speaking, God was working all things out for His glory and for the sal...

How Can I Love God with All My Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength?

Sheila Alewine

In Mark 12, we read of an interesting dialogue Jesus has with the Jewish religious leaders. The conversation came as a result of a parable He had taught about a vineyard owner (Mark 12:1-12). Jesus cl...

What Is Judaizing and Does It Still Happen Today?

Bethany Verrett

In part because of ignorance and confusion (although later for the sake of forcing them to conform to specific behaviors) many Jewish people began to pressure Gentile believers into conforming to Jewi...

7 Reasons Why it Was Necessary That Jesus Became Flesh

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Have you ever stopped to think why was it necessary for Jesus to come in the flesh? I am going to present to you seven reasons which I believe will help to answer this question....

What Is the Sermon on the Mount?

Emma Danzey

In a day with no sound systems or microphones, Jesus was able to communicate to many people from a mountain. He shared and revealed that He was the Messiah, and empowered them to follow Him wholeheart...

Is God Disappointed in Me?

Lisa Loraine Baker

1 John 1:9 tells us when we sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Yes, He is displeased, but He is a forgiving and just Father. ...

What Does It Mean that Jesus Is the Lamb of God?

Meghan Trapp

It’s not easy to imagine Jesus as the “Lamb of God.” But the name gives an important clue to what Jesus would do....

What Does the Bible Say about Social Justice?

John D. Barry

When you hear the term “social justice,” what emotion do you feel? For some people, the term evokes thoughts of “justice” for them personally or for their community. Other pe...

Dark Sayings and Riddles in the Bible

When we come to the end of the Old Testament, we have no answer to the question of how all these things will be resolved. The resolution is brought about by means of the greatest plot twist in the his...

What Do We Know about Nazareth, Jesus' Hometown?

Pamela Palmer

Jesus was raised in Nazareth, and this is a significant piece of information regarding Jesus’ life and story. His humble upbringing was consistent with the humility Jesus demonstrated during His life ...