Search Results for psalms 13

Found 162 Results for psalms 13
What Does it Mean That God's Love Is Unconditional?

R. Keith Whitt

God's love is not like the love expressed by many in our culture today: a love of convenience and ego. God's unconditional love never fails, endures forever, is uncalculating, and not motivated by pe...

Why Do We Need the Old Testament?

Sonya Downing

Without the Old Testament, you and I wouldn’t know half of what God has done to save the Israelites from themselves. The New Testament tells us about the reason for our hope, but the Old Testament tel...

Does God Need a Co-Signer?

God swears by His own character when entering a covenant since there is no one above Him who needs to co-sign the agreement....

7 Comforting Verses to Give You Strength in Hard Times

Blair Parke

We are reminded countless times in the Bible that we can’t rely on our own strength to make sense of things and soldier through the various issues we face daily. We must rely on the strength of our Sa...

6 Promises of God to Get You through Your Day

Rachel Britton

Those who trust in God can rely on His promises. They are for us as individuals and God’s people as a whole. These promises assure us of God’s goodness when we have faith in Him. They are for our spir...

8 Habits of a Healthy Spiritual Life

John Barnett

God's Word teaches us eight habits that can keep us spiritually healthy until death. The habits recorded in Psalms 116 are not just for those who have one foot in the grave, they are actually good hab...

20 Powerful Bible Verses to Help You Be Patient

Aaron Brown

Jesus told his disciples then and continues to inform believers today through Scripture, in life, we will face difficulty. We cannot choose a life free of conflict, heartache, or hardship. Though we d...

15 Scriptures on Peace of Mind

Whitney Hopler

Bible verses on how to find peace of mind show you how peace is possible in any type of circumstance. Exploring these scriptures on peace of mind will help you find real peace, no matter what situatio...

In Times of Trouble, Remember Where Your Help Comes From

Dawn Wilson

God is the believer’s protector, guarding day and night both now and into eternity. He grips the believer’s hand and says, “Do not fear, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13). He knows everything and watche...

Knowing God’s Will

We were looking for God’s will as if it were buried treasure. But that didn’t make sense. Wouldn’t God want us to know His will? Why would He hide it from us? It was as if we were assuming God is a Co...

How God Uses Stress for Our Good and His Glory

Randy Alcorn

Stress is an effective tool in the hands of our God, a tool that is intended both for His glory and our good. In this article we will look at some ways God uses stress....

6 Beautiful Truths about Biblical Hope

Lia Martin

The Psalms are replete with hope in God for deliverance. Isaiah 40:31 assures us those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Even Job, in his inconceivable situation, proclaims “Though he sl...

How to Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving

Melissa Henderson

Just what does the Psalmist mean when he tells us, "enter his gates with thanksgiving"? ...

How Is God the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever?

Aaron Brown

Though we can conclude now that God is the same, what did the writer of Hebrews 13:8 mean when they said it thousands of years ago? How did they know?...

6 Things to Know about the Messianic Prophecies of Jesus

Dawn Wilson

Biblical scholars say there are approximately 2,500 prophecies are in the Bible—with about 2,000 of them already fulfilled. But only a few hundred of these are Messianic prophecies. Fulfilled prophecy...

Why Do We Go to Church?

Heather Adams

God calls us to this “holy habit” for several vital reasons. He designed us to live in relationship, with Him and with other believers, and church is where we celebrate how God works in and around us ...

The Meaning and Importance of the Doxology in Christianity

Ashley Hooker

Doxologies are an expression of praise to God. In the Christian church, we often hear them sung or chanted. They are a tradition that has meaning and importance for all Christians. Since the early c...

Living as Christian Exiles

Christians are not strangers because they have moved from their homeland to a new country. They are exiles because their identity has so radically changed....

Why Should We Confess Sin if It Is Already Forgiven?

Kristi Walker

God has forgiven all my sins, canceled the charge or debt I owed and nailed it to the cross, why must I still constantly be confessing my sins? Christ died for it on the cross, paying the wage for my ...

Be Encouraged That God Looks at Our Heart, not Outward Appearances

Lisa Loraine Baker

We humans cannot do anything with complete purity because our sinful hearts lead us into areas of vast sin, and there is only one way they can be fixed: Jesus Christ. He is the only way toward a pure ...