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Found 62 Results for re 9
Daily Bible Reading Is a Joyful Task That Is Never Complete

John Greco

As I’ve listened to the testimonies of men and women who’ve lost their faith, I’ve been struck by the fact that the questions and doubts they raise are not actually insurmountable....

Ichthys, The Christian Fish Symbol: 5 Origin and History Facts

Blair Parke

You can spot it anywhere: on someone’s shirt, in a newspaper advertisement, even on the back side of the car in front of you in traffic. It is the recognizable Christian Fish symbol, which resembles a...

What Is a Biblically Accurate View of What Angels Look Like?

Vivian Bricker

While the angels in drawings and artwork may appear cute, real angels don't look this way. Angels are spirit beings God created to serve Him and make His will be done on earth....

What Does the Bible Tell Us about the Garden of Eden?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

The Garden of Eden is probably the most famous place mentioned in the Bible. What details does the Bible give us about its location and features?...

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

Emma Danzey

Think about someone who goes skydiving. The rookie is strapped to an unknown instructor, in whom you must place a lot of faith as you take your leap together. In a greater way, we are the rookies, and...

4 Big Lessons from Lesser-Known Parables

Alyssa Roat

Over the course of His ministry, Jesus delivered dozens of parables about the new way of life He was ushering in. Sources list between 27 and 70 parables, depending on how they’re counted. Man...

4 Beautiful Benefits of Engaging with God in Secret Prayer

Sheila Alewine

Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest for us. The Bible says we should pray continually, but many of us find it hard to carve out time to talk with God, or even get anxious praying in groups. ...

What Is the Feast of Pentecost in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the New Testament, events at the Feast of Pentecost mark a new era in the church. However, to fully understand what happened to the disciples that day in the upper room, we need to consider what th...

What Does Paraclete Mean in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

When we learn another language, it brings the words to life. Paraclete has a particularly powerful meaning in the Bible, which we won't fully understand until we look at the original language....

What You Need to Know about Hezekiah in the Bible

Dawn Wilson

Verifying his place in biblical history, archaeologists found Hezekiah’s royal seal in 2010 in an area at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem....

10 Back-to-School Prayers for Students

Micah Maddox

While we each hold our own specific goals for individual children, there is one thing we can do that will launch them into the new school year with a fresh wave of hope and God-centered thinking. We c...

C.S. Lewis' Top 5 Tips about Christian Living

Holly Mthethwa

C.S. Lewis wrote well before our time, but he wrote highly applicable and practical truths about Christian living that still ring true today....

Who Was Ezra and Why Is His Book Significant?

Heather Adams

Called “the father of Judaism” or “the second Moses” by some, Ezra was passionate about God’s Law. It was the foundation of his own life, and he used the Torah (which later became the first five books...

3 Ways to Set Healthy Boundaries Between Yourself and Toxic People

Amber Ginter

But then one day, I visited my Grandma Memo who always gave advice like salt and sugar... She taught me three ways to set healthy boundaries between myself and others that I am blessed to share today....

6 Intentions to Bring into This Holiday Season

Carley Marcouillier

The holidays tend to get hectic for all of us. We want to be intentional with our time and spend quiet moments reflecting on Jesus and why we celebrate, but things just seem to get away from us. If yo...

What Christians Need to Know about Fasting and Prayer

Heather Riggleman

Fasting and prayer are often linked together. Fasting without praying isn't fasting. It is dieting or deprivation. The only reason to fast is to make space for you to seek the Lord with greater urgenc...

When Does Advent Start This Year? - 2019 Dates

Liz Kanoy

Advent marks the start of a season of preparation that looks forward to the celebration of Christmas and the second coming of Christ....

Is There an Expectation of Eternal Life in the Old Testament?

Randy Alcorn

The New Testament reflects much more specific revelation from God of the afterlife. Yet there are some strong Old Testament indicators, though not nearly as many....

5 Best Ways to Fellowship outside of Church

Lisa Yvonne

Have you ever found yourself rushing into church, eager to “get your fill up” for the week? Or perhaps you’ve had a rough few days and need that encouragement and motivation you&rs...