Search Results for school

Found 253 Results for school
How Praying through the Nicene Creed Can Strengthen Your Faith

Jessica Brodie

You might have heard the Nicene Creed in church as part of a worship service, or been taught the words in a confirmation or Sunday school class. But what is the Nicene Creed, and can praying through i...

Prayer Changes Things. Right? Or Does It?

Stephen Altrogge

I mean, prayer changes things, right? After all, that’s what prayer is. We present our requests to God and he responds. God answers prayer. We’ve known this since Sunday school. But it also raises som...

1 Peter 4 Walks with Us through Seasons of Suffering

Emma Danzey

Have you ever met someone going through a hard time who suffered really well? Maybe someone going through an illness comes to mind, or that child being bullied at school resiliently standing up for Ch...

Dirty Kisses

Christians have been saved from sin; they should refrain from “kissing” the world....

7 Tips to Encourage Your Youth Leaders

Allie Boman

Those who work with middle- and high-schoolers are some of the greatest unsung heroes around. They are called to lead young people into a vibrant relationship with Christ, and they often carry their...

6 Things All Christians Need to Look for in the Company They Keep

Michael Jakes

Our lives will be negatively or positively influenced by the company we keep. We need good fellowship to spur us on to good works....

What Does the Bible Say about Bullying and How We Should Respond?

Emma Danzey

Bullying is a sin. It is not easy to walk through persecution, but with the help of Christ, we can overcome the mistreatment of others. ...

3 Incredible Stories from Women in Missions

Rachel Britton

Here are the stories of three women missionaries who strongly sensed God’s calling to “go.” They persevered when faced with challenging situations to follow through on their calling. Often their paths...

Crucial Steps to Building Biblical Literacy with Your Child

Emma Danzey

If I were to ask you to tell me all of the Bible verses and stories that you remember off of the top of your head, what would you say? Would the majority of these be from recent study or childhood? Al...

10 Scriptures to Give Peace to Coronavirus Fears

Jessica Brodie

As the coronavirus death toll rises and the world responds with curfews, government shutdowns, school, and business closures, and emergency aid, fear is on the rise. Many of us not only fear what is b...

Neglecting the Old Testament

In our circles—our pulpits, Sunday school classes, and Bible study groups—the biggest problem is the ignorance and neglect of the Old Testament. We must admit it: a good many evangelical preachers and...

10 Things the Bible Says about Anger

Brittany Rust

Take it from me: anger is not a lovely emotion to have around. For many years I had a major anger stronghold in my life that acted as a dark cloud hovering over my relationships with family, interacti...

6 Powerful Verses to Remind Us of the Father's Love

Ruth Clemence

Growing up in a fatherless home, where a father is absent physically or emotionally, can leave its mark on a family. According to the 2017 U.S. Census Bureau, 19.7 million children live without a fath...

The Explicit Gospel: A Response

Dr. Stanley J. Ward

Chandler’s (2012) book, The Explicit Gospel, lays an important theological foundation for ministry leaders – a description of the gospel that is explicit for those we lead...

10 Ways to Fight Church Burnout

Kristen Terrette

“Sunday’s always coming.” I said those words many times when I was a children’s ministry director. Our staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to prepare for the upcoming Sunday services and weekly ac...

4 Practical Steps for Soul Care during the COVID-19 Crisis

Carley Marcouillier

“What do we do here?” My client asked, referring to the state of dysregulation amidst the COVID-19 crisis.This question has stuck with me over the last few weeks as I too process the impact of this gl...

4 Lessons from Jacob’s Ladder to Encourage and Challenge You

Janet Thompson

I first heard the colorful story of Jacob’s Ladder as a young child in Sunday school. I still remember the teacher showing us pictures of angels descending and ascending on the ladder from heaven in J...

6 Critical Questions to Ask Yourself before Pursuing a Career in Ministry

Jessica Brodie

Perhaps while other kids were playing school, hospital, cops-and-robbers, or soldier games, you played “church,” setting up chairs for pews and pretending you were the pastor. Or perhaps you had no de...