Search Results for the fear

Found 733 Results for the fear
"The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom" - Bible Verse Explained

Ashley Hooker

What is wisdom and how do we receive it? Throughout antiquity, these have been the eternal questions on the lips of mankind. Adam and Eve were confronted with this question as they tried to resist t...

How Can We Cultivate a Spirit of Reverence in Today's World?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Certain biblical words take on extra spiritual “weight” in the light of their object. Reverence is one such term. ...

Conquer Fear with the Lord as Your Light and Salvation

Heather Adams

"The Lord is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1).It's said that when we have a problem, we can choose to hav...

5 Things God Can't Do

Micah Maddox

God is all powerful and all knowing. He is everywhere and His hand controls all things in heaven and on earth. But there are still a couple of things that, blessedly, God cannot or will not do. Let's ...

Fighting Fear When It Comes to Sharing Your Faith

Gloria Furman

Any number of fears may creep into your heart when it comes to sharing the gospel. Are you afraid of a raised eyebrow? Raised complaints? Raised taxes? Raised fists? Raised swords? Or are you afraid o...

How to Face Your Battle with Fear Courageously

Frank Santora

“Fear not” is neither an accusation of cowardice, nor gaslighting in a dangerous situation; it is the assurance that God is present, and therefore, all will be well....

10 Calming Psalms to Pray When You Feel Afraid

Micah Maddox

Fear is a normal human emotion, and one that our Heavenly Father understands and empathizes with. He gave us His word, filled with wisdom and relatable stories, to help soothe our fears and blanket us...

5 Powerful Tips to Overcome the Fear of Praying in Front of Others

Jessica Brodie

What if I do it wrong? What if I offend God or look like an idiot? First, it’s important to know that praying in public is not a requirement for any Christian. Jesus warned that we shouldn’t pray in a...

10 Beautiful End Time Promises to Give You Hope (Not Fear)

When I watch the news, my heart beats a little faster, and I start to feel anxious and concerned about the future. Alarming news of natural disasters, political upheaval, vicious wars, and indescribab...

Why Does Hebrews 13:6 Say "The Lord Is My Helper, I Will Not Fear"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Hebrews 13:6 does not mean you won’t have trouble in this life. It means, just like this verse in John, that when you have trouble, you don’t have to be afraid. You can have peace amid life’s most dif...

5 Powerful Prayers for Protection in the Storms of Life

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

Our world is filled with events and situations that can cause great fear and anxiety. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and live imprisoned by fear. But that is not the way of God! We are promised in Go...

The Mystery of the Unauthorized Fire

There is an incident in the biblical record that causes abiding consternation for many of God’s people. It is the story of how two of the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, were slain suddenly by God. ...

5 Verses to Motivate You for the Day

Micah Maddox

We all have those days when we want to pull the covers back up over our heads and hit the snooze button one more time. There is the occasional day that we wake up motivated and ready to conquer the ...

It’s Time to Recommit to Your Local Church

Frank Santora

“And He is the head of the body, the church” (Colossians 1:18).The past two years have truly been a time of testing and stretching for the church of God. Congregations which had not previously develop...

15 Bible Verses to Aid You in Spiritual Battle

Debbie McDaniel

Press on--courageous and free--never held back by fear or defeat. The battle belongs to the Lord, and He has the final victory......

Finding Contentment in the Midst of Coronavirus Fear

Allie Boman

The coronavirus pandemic that is shaking the world is unprecedented. And no matter who you are, it's scary. What is a Christian to do to spread Christ's love and joy, when we ourselves are crippled wi...

A Prayer from Psalm 34

Stephen Altrogge

Here is a prayer based on the popular Psalm 34....

How to Be Awe-Inspired by God Again

Rachel Britton

Awe, as defined in a dictionary, is a feeling or emotion. It is described as a mixture of respect, fear or wonder. We often think of awe as being filled with amazement. For example, one recent article...

What Are the Seven Spirits of God?

Heather Riggleman

What are the seven spirits of God? This question arises when we stumble into the book of Isaiah and Revelations. The only way to truly know the seven spirits of God is to get to know God Himself throu...