Search Results for word living active

Found 79 Results for word living active
20 Great Bible Verses for Kids to Memorize

Jessica Udall

The best time to start reading the Bible with your child is when they are in the womb. The second best time is today! We have been known by God even before we were born and were created to know Him....

Why Are There So Many Different Bible Translations?

Emma Danzey

May we remember the gift and the privilege to even have one full version of the Scriptures in our English language. We are in the top 10% around the world. Not only this, but we have multiple translat...

Will People Come Back to Church after COVID-19?

Mel Walker

There are some saying the new habit of watching church services at home will continue after the current stay-in-place orders are lifted. Others believe that Christians will miss the fellowship with ot...

What Every Christian Should Know about the Dead Sea Scrolls

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

One of the most significant things the Dead Sea Scrolls provide is a reliable record and confidence in the modern scriptures we have. I believe that for Christians, knowing about the Dead Sea Scrolls ...

3 Insights to Help Us Understand the Book of Hebrews Better

Traci Boland

The letter to the Hebrews is a beautiful message of encouragement that rings true for us today. By understanding the difficulties and persecution the Hebrews faced, we understand the sermon as a call ...

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

Emma Danzey

The fruit of joy does not always include happiness. We can be happy and have joy, however Scripture also shares that we can have joy in affliction and suffering too. This is not humanly possible, but ...

What Does "Salt of the Earth" Mean in Matthew 5:13?

Meg Bucher

Believers throughout the centuries have willingly suffered for what Jesus stands for. Christ uses the salt analogy, I believe, to assure us that following Him is worth every earthly cost....

It Takes Courage to Follow God

Lisa Loraine Baker

It indeed takes courage to follow Jesus. But if we accept Him as Savior and Lord, how can we not fully devote our lives to Him? To do otherwise is to remain spiritually immature, missing the myriad bl...

A Life-Giving Order: "Be Fruitful and Multiply"

Bethany Verrett

When something in the Bible is important, it's repeated. When something is really important, it's repeated multiple times. God's command for humanity to "be fruitful and multiply" can be found 10...

21 Bible Verses for Sleep and Rest When Your Soul Needs Peace

Debbie McDaniel

Many of us have been there. Middle of the night. Darkness surrounds. All is quiet. All should be at peace. Except we can’t sleep. Recently when our family walked through a very difficult trial, I foun...

How Can Christians Remember 'A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath'?

Britt Mooney

How can the Bible verse "a soft answer turns away wrath" help us navigate a hostile world?...

Does the Bible Say to Avoid Sex Before Marriage?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Sex before marriage is nothing new. But what advice does the Bible give us for handling this complicated topic?...

20 Scriptural Ways to Cultivate a “Good and Noble” Heart That Will Bear Fruit

Sheila Alewine

We are responsible to cultivate and keep a “noble and good heart” so that the Word of God continues to bear fruit pleasing to God. Here are twenty ways that Scripture addresses our heart and shows us ...

Did Christ Actually Empty Himself Via Kenosis (Self-Emptying)?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The kenosis theory states Christ gave up some of His divine attributes—such as omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence—during His incarnation as a man. ...

How to Respond When People Say the Bible Is Metaphorical

Denise Kohlmeyer

How would you respond if someone said to you, “The Bible is only metaphorical. You can’t take it literally.” Chances are, you’d be stumped, tongue-tied, at a loss for how to answer. But the answer is ...

11 Times the Old Testament Predicts Jesus' Birth and Death

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Modern readers tend to shy away from the concept of prophecy. But the Bible is holy. It is "God-breathed." We can trust every word it contains. How? Because it makes predictions that came true, some t...

What is Deism and Is It Influencing Your Faith?

Alyssa Roat

Though the word “deism” may conjure up vague ideas of Enlightenment philosophy or American history, it is more than just an outdated idea. Deism continues to affect our lives even today....

4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth

Sheila Alewine

The story is primarily understood to describe the various effects of the gospel message of salvation that Jesus was teaching. But I believe there is additional wisdom to be gained by those of us who h...

7 Crucial Reasons We Need to Remember God's Word

Ruth Clemence

The Bible is a long and often confusing book, and it's hard to remember all of the truths found within. But when we take time to sit down and read these words, we are reminded of God's goodnes...

11 Attributes of God to Cling to When Life Feels Crazy

Meg Bucher

Attributes represent qualities, characteristics, or properties that contribute to the way we see or know something or someone. Our Triune God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one. He reigns o...