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Found 674 Results for works
Why You Really Should Read 1 Samuel

Bethany Verrett

The Bible is full of poems, parables, and prophecy as part of a larger story about God’s plan for humanity. Over the course of thousands of years recorded in the Word, different writers and prophets c...

10 Ways to Boost Your Christian Walk in the New Year

Dawn Wilson

Make no mistake, God is working. He works in our hearts, giving us both the desire and the power to please and honor Him (Philippians 2:13). And our Father God will continue to work in us until the jo...

10 Women in the Bible Who Struggled to Trust God’s Plan

Kristine Brown

My situation looked bleak from every direction. I wanted to trust God’s plan. I really did. So why was I struggling to believe God could help me in the midst of what seemed impossible? Sometimes, God ...

Why Were Judaizers Such Big Problems in the Early Church?

Stephen Baker

Judaizers were people (both ethnic Jews and Gentiles) who continued to adhere to the Jewish customs and laws after Christ’s salvific work. ...

What It Looks Like to Have the “Faith of a Mustard Seed”

Bethany Verrett

The mustard seed in Jesus’ example symbolizes the potential in faith. When a believer begins their journey, they have just begun to learn about how much God loves them, how much He wants to do for the...

10 Incredible Ways God is Working for the Good of Those Who Love Him

Chris Russell

One of the most encouraging verses in the entire Bible is found in Paul’s letter to the Christians living in extreme persecution in the city of ancient Rome. Paul says it like this: Romans 8:28: And ...

30 Bible Verses That Talk about Time

Whitney Hopler

Time is one of our most valuable resources. We feel the pressure of our busy schedules crammed into limited time. In order to do what’s most important, we need wise time management. So, it’s vital to ...

Lean into God’s Sovereignty When Life Is Hard

Frank Santora

“Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ Jesus answered, ‘Neither this...

The Name of Jesus Holds Incredible Power

Frank Santora

At these times when we are tempted to lose our faith and hope, we need to remember that God will engineer a rematch in such cases, and He has rigged the outcome by giving us an unbeatable weapon – His...

How Can We Avoid Becoming "Weary in Doing Good"?

Heather Adams

In Galatians 6:9, Paul wrote "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." In our fast-paced, modern world, burnout seems to be something...

Does God Really Work in "Mysterious Ways"?

Lisa Loraine Baker

What is not a mystery is that God will reveal what He wants when He wants to whom He wants (Exodus 33:19). God’s mysteries are Divine mysteries, and that truth makes them beyond the scope of our ...

How to Biblically Celebrate New Life in the Spring

April Motl

“Daffodils!!! Momma look! Daffodils!” These words have been ringing out loudly in our car the last few weeks from my little three year old son. Last Fall, he and I planted 150 bulbs. I told him we wo...

7 Things the Bible Says You Can Know for Sure

Debbie W Wilson

In this age of mis- and dis-information, I often hear myself saying, “I don’t know if this is true, but I read…” This applies to anything from diets to investments to political issues. However, there ...

Who Are the Nicolaitans Found in Revelation?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As gleaned from these passages, we know the Nicolaitans sought to teach the church something other than the truth. Whether they added to or subtracted from, we do not know....

Sleep, the Bible, and Why You Should Really Take a Nap

Dawn Wilson

Statistics indicate the average person, who lives roughly 79 years on Earth, spends about 26 of those years sleeping, plus seven more years trying to get to sleep. Sleep boosts the well-being of every...

What Is the Dangerous LDS Notion of the Patriarchal Blessing?

Emma Danzey

The patriarchal blessing is not supported by Scripture, therefore, God Himself does not encourage this act. The issue is a man-made rule has been created to give authority to a man....

Does God Really Work All Things “Together for Good”?

Bethany Verrett

This verse, especially once someone understands God’s purpose, can bring great comfort. It is possible to know that God works all things out for the good of those He calls to His purposes. ...

Are There Steps to Our Salvation? A Study of the Ordo Salutis

David Paul

The Ordo Salutis is simply a Latin term meaning the order of salvation, referring to the logical order of events that comprise our salvation in Christ. The first thing to remember is that because we...

Beautiful Psalms of Thanksgiving and Scripture Quotes to Inspire Gratitude

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Look to the inspiration of Psalms for Thanksgiving prayer and messages to loved ones. Be encouraged by the Word of God to give thanks for His glory, mercy, and grace....