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Found 325 Results for writes
What Was the Firmament That God Created on the Second Day?

Betty Dunn

On the second day of the Creation described here in Genesis 1, God commanded that there be a firmament separating the seas and oceans of Earth from the waters above the firmament. ...

What It Does – and Doesn’t – Mean That the Husband Is the Spiritual Leader of the Home

Joel Ryan

No one bears more responsibility for the spiritual trajectory of his household than the spiritual leader of the home, the husband. Husbands must lead by example, leading their wives and children in pr...

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Just Agree to Disagree about Same Sex Relationships

Sam Allberry

Some issues in the Christian life matter more than others. The apostle Paul made a distinction between matters that were primary to the gospel, and issues that were not. In 1 Corinthians 15:3 he write...

Haggai: A Big Lesson from a Small Book

Hope Bolinger

Most of the prophets in the Bible lived prior or during to two catastrophic events that shook the ancient Hebraic world. The first was when the Northern Kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians. Prophe...

The Glorious Toil and Reward within the Verse “A Man Reaps What He Sows”

Lianna Davis

When the apostle Paul writes to the Galatian church, “Whatever one sows, that will he also reap” (Gal. 6:7), the agrarian community would have understood the process of sowing, the patience required f...

Experiencing the Riches of God's Grace

In Ephesians 1, Paul invites us into the very throne room of God as he shows us the blessings God has stored up for us in his treasure house - blessings we already fully possess if we belong to Jesus ...

What Does the Bible Say about Divorce?

DiAne Gates

A topical look at what scriptures have to say about divorce. ...

From Glory to Glory

Perfection is the goal of God’s sanctifying work in us. He’s not merely making us better than we are; he is conforming us to the image of his Son....

What Exactly Is Fasting All About?

Lauren Sanchez

If you've attended church for awhile you've probably heard the word "fasting." But, what exactly is fasting? Why do we do it? How do we do it? And, what are some Biblical examples of fasting? What i...

Is John's Gospel History or Theology?

Michael J. Kruger

Over the years, biblical scholars have challenged the historicity of the canonical gospels on a number of fronts. But no gospel has taken it on the chin like the Gospel of John. Ever since Clement of ...

7 Short but Mighty Lessons from the Book of James

Blair Parke

When people think about the book of James, they can probably attest to one or two words of wisdom they have gained from James that have impacted them.James, believed to be one of the brothers of ...

Abundant Grace

If we are ever to understand the grace of God, we must begin with the knowledge that God has acted graciously toward us in Christ entirely apart from human merit....

5 Ways Christians Can Apply the Parable of the Good Samaritan Today

Meg Bucher

The Bible story of the Good Samaritan reminds us to take time to notice, and inconvenience ourselves to stop and sacrifice our precious minutes and resources to love our neighbor the way we’re called ...

The True Story of Praise Through Pain in "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"

Bethany Pyle

Among the thousands (millions?) of Christmas songs in the world, "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" is rather lesser-known. But the song, penned while the Civil Way ravaged the country, is a stark r...

Walking Wisely in a Dark World: 5 Relevant Truths from Corinth

Debbie McDaniel

In a culture that compels us to fit in more, God calls us to be salt and light. What Paul writes to another church that looks incredibly similar to ours today......

The Value of Learning History: A Lesson From Jude

The little letter of Jude teaches us something about the value of learning history. This is not the main point of the letter. But it is striking. In this next-to-last book of the Bible, Jude writes to...

10 Beautiful End Time Promises to Give You Hope (Not Fear)

When I watch the news, my heart beats a little faster, and I start to feel anxious and concerned about the future. Alarming news of natural disasters, political upheaval, vicious wars, and indescribab...

When Grace Becomes Our Calling

Lianna Davis

The book of Jude is one of the shortest in the Bible, at just one chapter. However, this letter has plenty to say about our gift of salvation. Follow along as we break down two of Jude's most encourag...

Why Does Jesus Give His Mother to John While on the Cross?

Joel Ryan

Jesus had no gold, no earthly treasure, and no real estate to give to Mary after His passing. In fact, everything He had owned was seized and divvied up amongst the Roman soldiers at the foot of the c...

11 Attributes of God to Cling to When Life Feels Crazy

Meg Bucher

Attributes represent qualities, characteristics, or properties that contribute to the way we see or know something or someone. Our Triune God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one. He reigns o...