Search Results for 2 john

Found 109 Results for 2 john
Minister of the Word

The preacher gives a human voice to the divine word so that others will hear from God. ...


A recent issue of US News & World Report featured a story entitled "Faith in America: In troubled times, how Americans' views of religion are changing." Throughout the article several polls reported C...

Making Room for Atheism

An informed biblical worldview supports pluralism, democracy, and freedom. Christians should neither tolerate coercive secularization of the government, nor should they aim to establish a theocracy....

Illustration: Defeat, Disappointment

Runner does not cry about lost gold, but celebrates the win of bronze....

Anxiety Surrounding The Crucifixion

Each person in that crowd surrounding Jesus' cross had his or her own reason for being there. She wanted to be there because she felt it was a significant event and she wanted to be able to share with...

Sermon Illustration: Judgment

This story appeared in the May 10, 2010, edition of the "Turning Point Daily Devotional": Recently a young man in suburban Chicago tried to escape during his trial, as he'd seen done many times on tel...

Bible and Bible Reference Survey 2007

Each year brings a continuing flow of various study bibles and this one has been no different. Some such Bibles seem merely to be the result of marketing efforts, but others are truly helpful....

Illustration: Discipline to Run the Race

Athletes often have a perseverance and determination Christian should envy....

Theological Thoughts from a Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms are threatening, but the theology surrounding them can be thrilling! The term theological refers to something that is of or pertaining to the field of theology. Theology is the study of ...