Search Results for ark of

Found 120 Results for ark of
What Do We Know about Angels in the Bible?

Jason Soroski

The popular version of angels turns out to be pretty far off the mark. The Bible describes angels as neither the chubby babies found in Renaissance art, or our deceased relatives who sit around playin...

5 Beautiful Covenants in the Bible and What They Mean

Blair Parke

Some may view covenant like a contract, where you both sign on the dotted line and get your rewards for doing your part. However, a covenant in God’s mindset is more than just each party doing h...

Why Did God Flood the World?

Ed Jarrett

It would be easy to read this and see a God who was caught off guard by how sinful humanity had become. A God who became so angry that he decided to wipe out the whole mess and start over again. But i...

What Do Doves Symbolize in the Bible?

Bethany Verrett

In our modern world, doves are a sign of peace. But this bird, which can be found in almost all corners of the earth, has many different meanings in Scripture. From its connection to Noah and the floo...

Who Were the Two Priests Name Phinehas, and Why Did One Get Drunk with Power?

Annette Griffin

We first encounter the priest, Phinehas, son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron, in Numbers 25. Phinehas’s righteous acts follow a major encounter that Israel had with Balaam; a diviner hired by the Kin...

What Does 2 Peter 1:21 Mean about Prophecy?

Bethany Verrett

This verse is a good reminder that true prophecy comes from God, and that it was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and therefore can be compared against fulfilled prophecy and Scripture to ensure its verac...

8 Beautiful Life Lessons from Moses' Brother Aaron

Betty Dunn

The most famous Levites born during Israel’s enslavement in Egypt were Aaron and his younger siblings, Moses and Miriam. Aaron was three years older than Moses (Exodus 7:7), yet Moses was chosen to le...

What Was the Role of the High Priest?

Bethany Verrett

The High Priest is not like a pastor or priest, though both do have the ability and knowledge of the Scriptures to teach them. It is a mediator position, someone who intercedes between man and God, an...

"Ebenezer" - Powerful Biblical Meaning and Importance

Ashley Hooker

The Bible is full of powerful words that if we dig deep enough, the meanings could change your life. The power with which God clothed each word of His book is amazing. One such word is Ebenezer. Thi...

Is the Bible Trustworthy?

Bill Bright

Do you accept the Bible as absolute truth? Do you know the peace and blessing that comes from living its supernatural, life-transforming message?...

What Exactly Is a Theophany?

Mike Leake

If you see a picture of Jesus in your cheese toast does this qualify as a theophany? What about God appearing to Moses in a burning bush, is that one? When an angel appears to someone, do we use anoth...

God's Greatest Gift

Matthew Harmon

Here in this simple phrase we have mysteries so great that the angels desperately long to understand. In a nutshell, the greatest gift that God gives us is himself. But in order for us to understand t...

3 Ways We See Jesus in the Psalms

Dawn Wilson

Messianic psalms offer details about the Messiah’s ancestry, birth, nature, ministry, purpose, death, resurrection, and exaltation. Some of the most well-known prophecies — such as those by Isaia...

The Deep Impact of These Biblical Grandparents

Emma Danzey

Think about all of the wisdom collected by these individuals over time. Think about all of the treasures of Scripture that they have heard and learned throughout the years. Think about the mistakes an...

Hebrews 11 Reminds Us – Look to the Reward

Emma Danzey

Faith pleases God. When we come to Him in prayer and in life, we have to believe that He is there and He is who He claims to be. Already in this verse we see the word reward. God rewards those who ear...

What Does it Mean in the Bible That God Remembered?

Jessica Brodie

In every instance of God "remembering," we see that it always includes an action. God never forgets His promises or His people — He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and the creator o...

Connecting the Bible with Real Life

On difficult or "modern" issues, we often treat the Bible as irrelevant. But there are answers in God's Word to even the toughest problems....

Why Christians Should Understand the Daughter of Zion

Candice Lucey

Zion is mentioned more than 160 times in the Old Testament and only seven in the New Testament. How does the symbol of Zion as the holy city of God’s people relate to Christ? ...

The Real Reason God Had to Destroy the Tower of Babel

Alyssa Roat

But what really happened at the Tower of Babel? Did God just get mad about people building a tall structure, or was there more to it?...

How to Find Jesus in the Story of Melchizedek

Hope Bolinger

If you can stumble past the name "Melchizedek" then you'll find a brief, but interesting Old Testament story. What makes Melchizedek's short appearance in Genesis noteworthy though, is his later conne...