Search Results for esther 2

Found 74 Results for esther 2
Wisdom and Warnings from the Life of Miriam

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Miriam was Moses’ older sister and though she is not talked about a lot in Scripture, she played an important part in the life of Moses and the nation of Israel. There are four key places where Miriam...

How Can Joshua and Caleb’s Powerful Faith Encourage You?

Jessica Brodie

Faith isn’t always easy, but God is the Creator of the universe, the Alpha and the Omega, and God is all-powerful. On our own, we can do little, but when we are doing God’s will, God will always trium...

9 Encouraging Reasons You Should Pray the Scriptures

Pamela Palmer

Prayer and Bible reading are not separate activities. The Bible is full of real, powerful prayers from faith warriors, and we can borrow their words in our own prayers. Let's take a look at what this ...

Why Are the Promises of God "Yes and Amen"?

Pamela Palmer

This verse, which might sound a bit confusing, was written by the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. It conveys that Jesus Christ is the “yes” and “amen” of all God’s promises, meaning in Jesus is the g...

Do Christians Need Both Testaments of the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. You can’t have one without the other to come to as full an understanding of Scripture (and Him) a...

What Is Daniel's Prayer - and How Can We Pray Like Daniel?

Hope Bolinger

In the ninth chapter of the book of Daniel, we see a young man recently taken captive, praying for help and deliverance. What can we learn today from Daniel's prayer?...

Naomi: A Life That Went from Bitter to Blessed

Mike Leake

If Naomi had held the pen by which her story would be written, it would have ended as a tragedy. She believed that her life was over. All her decisions, or more so her husband’s decisions, led them to...

Where Do We See Eunuchs in the Bible?

Betty Dunn

Discussing eunuchs in the Bible may sound odd, but it has important insights you would not expect....

Seeking the Gospel in the Old Testament Book of Ezra

Mike Leake

The story of Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah follows a pattern. They begin with the call to rebuild, then opposition, then a fulfillment — or maybe better a “thud” of a fulfillment. ...

What Christians Need to Know about Fasting and Prayer

Heather Riggleman

Fasting and prayer are often linked together. Fasting without praying isn't fasting. It is dieting or deprivation. The only reason to fast is to make space for you to seek the Lord with greater urgenc...

Can We See the Gospel Among the Romance of Song of Solomon?

Mike Leake

The Song of Songs, or the Song of Solomon, is the kind of love poem that might make a junior high boy blush. Which, frankly, makes it a little awkward to say that it’s also a song about God. But is it...

Is the Bible Really One Big Story?

Michael Jakes

What staggers the mind and serves to add to the awesomeness of it all is how God has assembled and preserved His Word. Written over a period of approximately 1500-1600 years by 40 different authors fr...

10 Things You Should Know about Jonathan Edwards

Annette Griffin

Jonathan Edwards wasn't just one of the most important pastors of his time but proved to be an influential theologian that writers still study today. Here is what you probably didn't know about his li...

3 Things to Do Immediately When You Feel You've Lost Your Spiritual Edge

Frank Santora

You get your edge back when you determine to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified, when God becomes your passion, rather than your past-time and when you determine to make Him the one yo...

15 Things All Christians Should Know about Judaism

Bethany Verrett

Just because many people of Jewish descent have rejected Jesus, that does not mean God has turned His back on them. One of the beautiful prophecies in Revelation is that many Jews will turn to their t...

10 Women in the Bible Who Exceeded Expectations

Kate Edwards

While plenty of women in the bible were strong, capable women, these ladies didn’t sit around waiting for someone else to get the job done. They feared God and lived faithfully. They did what they nee...

What Every Christian Should Know about the Dead Sea Scrolls

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

One of the most significant things the Dead Sea Scrolls provide is a reliable record and confidence in the modern scriptures we have. I believe that for Christians, knowing about the Dead Sea Scrolls ...

What Good Is Suffering? 3 Unexpected Lessons from Job

Hope Bolinger

It's a common question from both Christians and non-believers - if God is good, why does he allow suffering? Sometimes, looking for an answer to this question in the book of Job brings about more ...

Who Was Cain's Wife & What Does the Bible Say about Her?

Dikkon Eberhart

The Bible does not provide the name of Cain’s wife. Neither does it provide any other information about her. The single reference to her existence is found in Genesis 4:17....

The Beautiful Reality of Why We Should Submit Ourselves to God

Dawn Wilson

In submission Christians remember what God has done in saving, providing, protecting, and much more. Submission should well up from a heart of gratitude. Formerly enemies, God’s children were rescued ...