Search Results for god is

Found 96 Results for god is
Pentecost - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Discover the Bible meaning and verses of the Pentecost story that is described in Acts 2....

Angels of Christmas - Bible Story

Brannon Deibert

In the Bible narrative of Christmas, there are two angelic visits that occur important to the story. First, the angel known as Gabriel visits Mary to inform her that she will give birth to the "Son o...

Fruits of the Spirit - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

The Fruits of the Spirit, as outlined in the Bible in Galatians 5, represent a collection of nine virtues produced in the lives of believers through the work of the Holy Spirit....

Bible Story of Jezebel

Connor Salter

Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab who ruled the kingdom of Israel. By opposing the worship of the Hebrew god Yahweh, neglecting the rights and well-being of her subjects, and challenging the great pro...

The Bible Story of Joseph

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

After Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers, he overcomes this betrayal by trusting in God and interpreting dreams of prisoners and the Pharaoh in Egypt. When Joseph's brothers travel to Egypt ...

The Drunkenness of Noah Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

The drunkenness of Noah in Genesis is a surprising story of Noah who was considered "perfect in his generations." Read the Bible verses of this account and learn its meaning and significance....

Abraham and Sarah - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

This Bible Story features Abraham and Sarah, two prominent characters from the Old Testament. Abraham and Sarah provide an inspirational tale of how trusting in God will lead to favor in life. Their s...

Bible Stories for Kids - Top Scriptures for Children

Editorial Staff & Film Critics

Discover the most popular Bible stories for kids from both the Old and New Testaments. These are some of the best Bible stories for children to learn about God and Jesus Christ....

Judgment of King Solomon - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

The Judgment of Solomon is a story from the Bible in which King Solomon of Israel ruled between two women both claiming to be the mother of a child. He convinced them into revealing their true feeling...

Ruth and Boaz - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

While in Judah, God worked out an amazing plan for a man named Boaz to take Ruth as his wife, give her a child, and provide for her and Naomi. What’s remarkable about this plan was that Boaz was quali...

Daniel in the Lion's Den - Bible Story

Read the full Bible account of Daniel in the Lion's Den, and find related articles, sermons, and podcasts of this inspirational story!...

10 Plagues of Egypt - Bible Story

The 10 plagues of Egypt described in the Bible book of Exodus were 10 disasters that God brought on Egypt when Pharoah refused to let the Israelite nation leave. Read about the 10 plagues and how the ...

Jesus Heals 10 Lepers - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

In this Bible story, Jesus cleanses 10 men with leprosy but only one returns to give thanks to Him who healed them. Read the full BIble text and learn the meaning of this miracle of Christ....

Doubting Thomas - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

When told by the other disciples, "we have seen the Lord," Thomas doubts this is true until he sees Jesus and His wounds for himself....

Bible Meaning of Lent and Purpose for Today

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

What is Lent? This 40-day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday is filled with Biblical meaning, giving Christians a chance to set aside wants to come humbly before God. Here are some ways yo...

The Parable of the Sower - Bible Story

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus spoke the Parable of the Sower to teach how important the state of our heart is to receive the Gospel and how our salvation is proved by our choices and actions after hearing the Gospel....

Jesus Calms the Storm - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Read the Bible verses for the story of Jesus calming the storm and learn more about the meaning of this important account of Christ!...

Samson and Delilah - Bible Story

Connor Salter

The story of Samson and Delilah reminds us just how important it is to guard our hearts and follow God's way! The summary from Scripture starts with Samson's birth was announced by an angel during a d...

The Creation Story - Bible Story

Read the story of creation from the book of Genesis. Learn about the meaning and significance of the biblical explanation of creation....