Search Results for job 29

Found 82 Results for job 29
What Does the Bible Say about Suicide?

Bethany Verrett

Depression and mental health are hot topics in the world right now, but when it comes to suicide, many - especially in the church - fall silent. It's a difficult and sometimes divisive issue, and it c...

Comforting Ways to Support Families Experiencing Miscarriage

Lisa Loraine Baker

Christians, share these comforting and strengthening passages with families suffering through miscarriage. We can also comfort unbelievers with the same passages, assuring our beloved ones of the hope...

What Does the Bible Say about Predestination?

Rylie Fine

Depending on your church background, what the Bible says about predestination may have been a big discussion. Few would dispute that predestination is a biblical concept, the question is how it works....

What Pronoun Is Used for the Holy Spirit: He, She, or It?

Jessica Brodie

Whichever way we choose to refer to God does not change God’s nature, and it is the same with the Holy Spirit. As long as we are in full understanding that the Holy Spirit is a person, a full and comp...

Why Should We Know about Agur, Author of the Sayings in Proverbs 30

Lisa Loraine Baker

God used Agur to pen a chapter in the Bible. What an honor to be entrusted with inscribing words as part of the Holy Scriptures. ...

Does the Bible Talk about Disabilities?

Jennifer Heeren

The Bible is full of people with disabilities, both physical and mental. However, God works in and through all of us, regardless of any disabilities we may have. So, what does the Bible say about disa...

What Does the Bible Mean by 'My God Will Supply All My Needs'?

Tammy Kennington

Since scripture tells us that 'my God will supply all my needs,' why do Christians still struggle?...

What Is a Leviathan Spirit and How Can You Identify It?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Much of what we know about the characteristics of a leviathan spirit come from theologians and biblical scholars. More than likely this type of spirit is linked to a principality. ...

Why Is God a "Consuming Fire"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

In Scripture, fire can be used as a form of judgment but it is also used in purification or refining. With that being the case, what are the things God would turn his attention to consuming or burning...

15 Scriptures on Peace of Mind

Whitney Hopler

Bible verses on how to find peace of mind show you how peace is possible in any type of circumstance. Exploring these scriptures on peace of mind will help you find real peace, no matter what situatio...

5 Powerful Lessons from the Book of Habakkuk

Lisa Loraine Baker

No matter what the world foists upon us, God is greater and His plans are far above any human consideration. God truly has the whole world in His mighty, unfailing hands....

How Did Jesus' Death Pay the Penalty for Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is called the Lamb of God and the Last Adam. These two titles help us understand how Jesus’ death paid the penalty for our sin. As the Lamb of God, He fulfilled the Law as the perfect sacrifice....

Why Did God Give the Law?

John Piper

The law which God gave to Moses at Mount Sinai a few months after bringing the people out of Egypt has been the victim of some very bad press in the past several hundred years. My guess is that there ...

Why Does Scripture Say "Blessed are the Meek, for They Will Inherit the Earth"?

Hope Bolinger

Our modern, 21st-century culture is always ready to empower the bold. So it can be difficult for us to read passages like Matthew 5:5 that encourage us to be meek. What does it mean that "blessed are ...

Is Concupiscence, a Strong Sexual Desire, a Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Concupiscence is one of those words which derives its meaning from the context—specifically the object toward which it is directed. At its core, concupiscence is desire or coveting (epithymia)....

Why Do Christians Say "Church Family"?

Pamela Palmer

Believers are members of God’s household, or God’s family. The phrase “church family” captures the depth of life that people share when they attend the same church. Believers who go to the same church...

Tips to Show Christlike Love to Even the Most Difficult Family Members

Blair Parke

Challenges with families are nothing new. They can lead to awkward holiday dinners, spats over juvenile things, and maybe even being completely estranged from one another. But God didn’t bring family ...

5 Ways God Is Faithful When Life Doesn't Feel Fair

Kirstyn Mayden

God is faithful, and we are called to walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Cor. 5:7). Despite the evolving and unstable seasons that life brings, we are called to trust God. Through times of joy and t...

Why Is Seventy Times Seven Still so Radical Today?

Connor Salter

Here is a look at what seventy times seven mean, and how it fits into the Bible’s teachings about sin, repentance, forgiveness, and rebuke....

Why is the Resurrection so Important?

The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of redemption—both for mankind and for the earth. Indeed, without Christ’s resurrection and what it means—an eternal future for fully resto...