Search Results for wisdom 2

Found 623 Results for wisdom 2
How Can It Be That “When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong”?

Bethany Verrett

The wisdom of God usually contradicts the wisdom of man. To be strong means to be able to do it all by yourself, without help. It means being able to lift heavy things, to be always in control of one’...

Daniel's Diary

Woodrow Kroll

Long before he was dropped into the lions’ den, Daniel’s faith endured a hostile environment....

What Bible Did Jesus Read?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

What we know is Jesus read from the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament. What we don’t know is which specific Hebrew Bible Jesus used. By the time of Jesus’ birth, the Old Testament Scriptures were avai...

What Do We Know about the Other Tree in the Garden of Eden?

Mike Leake

Not only did Adam and Eve eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they also rejected eating from another tree — the tree of life. What if they had eaten from that instead? What is this tr...

23 Verses to Encourage Dad This Father’s Day

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To find inspiration as a father there is no better place to turn than God’s word and the timeless wisdom found in the Scriptures. God's Word provides a wellspring of encouragement and guidance for you...

How Can Christians Remember 'A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath'?

Britt Mooney

How can the Bible verse "a soft answer turns away wrath" help us navigate a hostile world?...

Wisdom and Warnings from the Life of Miriam

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Miriam was Moses’ older sister and though she is not talked about a lot in Scripture, she played an important part in the life of Moses and the nation of Israel. There are four key places where Miriam...

4 Biblical Principles to Save Your Marriage, Every Day

Pamela Palmer

If you're married, you likely have experienced the greatest joys that two becoming one affords, but you may also know all too well the desperate situations that threaten to tear your marriage ap...

Nebuchadnezzar's Restless Night

According to Daniel 2:29, Nebuchadnezzar went to bed one night thinking about the future. He had a dream that was too important to pass over lightly....

How We Can (Actually) Be Encouraged That "the Race Is Not to the Swift"

Blair Parke

What the author of this biblical passage is referencing here is that though we pursue the race of life believing we can get the upper hand, in the end death will still prevail. However, there is still...

What Can We Learn from the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings Verse?

Britt Mooney

Jesus talks about fulfilling everything from the law, the prophets, and the writings. So what does that mean, for his audience and for us today?...

8 Prayers for Election Day

Bethany Verrett

Every four years, the nation focuses on the national political arena, studies two candidates and two agendas, then decides between them in a presidential election. Leading up to the vote, Christi...

Should We Be Reading the Bible Every Day?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We belong to Christ, and we are His bride (2 Corinthians 11:2). How do we get to know the One who saved us from the wrath of God except by spending time in His Word — the Bible? But is it biblical to ...

Does the Phrase Fly in the Ointment Come from the Bible?

Linda Lyle

Does fly in the ointment come from the Bible or from Shakespeare?...

Why Are the Righteous “Bold as a Lion”?

Blair Parke

Those who are righteous in the eyes of God are said in this Scripture to be as bold as lions, standing firm in the faith while others of lesser faith (or no faith) flee. ...

Who Is Rehoboam in the Bible?

Stephen Baker

Rehoboam was King Solomon’s son, and God’s chosen instrument to divide the nation of Israel. While his arrogance had consequences, we can learn something from how God used him as an instrument for his...

What Is So Impactful about Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Dreams can be funny, intriguing, or scary. Rarely, though, is one unforgettable. As we find in the book of Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had an unforgettable dream....

25 Verses to Help Us Build Healthy Communication with One Another

Heather Adams

Throughout Scripture, the Lord lays out a purpose for connecting with others that goes beyond simple interaction. Through our conversations and correspondences we are meant to be a light for Him in th...

7 Ways a Titus 2 Woman Lives to Honor God

Micah Maddox

There are few places in the Bible where we get a glimpse of things that describe a woman of godly character. Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 are two that stand out to me. They both give us an exhaustive list ...