Search Results for 1 samuel 14

Found 191 Results for 1 samuel 14
How Can I Recognize and Understand the Holy Spirit Better?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus called the Spirit the Comforter, and sometimes the Holy Ghost. It is the presence of the Spirit that sanctifies and convicts Christians after they are saved. It is the Spirit who works in the li...

What Makes Covenant Theology So Important?

Andy Lee

There are lots of obscure religious positions that don't affect our beliefs in major ways, but also some prominent ones that make a big difference. Covenant theology is one of the big ones, so here's ...

Is the Bema Seat Reserved for Christians or Unbelievers in the End Times?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the Bible, The Bema Seat is the title given the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10). The judgment of each Christian is not a determination of who will enter heaven, because t...

What Is the Meaning of the First Week of Advent Candle?

G. Connor Salter

You may not have grown up lighting an advent candle or know what the word “advent” even means. You can still take part in this centuries-old tradition that teaches us about the central themes of Chris...

Why Do We Kneel in Prayer?

Lia Martin

I come to this topic with the belief that God doesn’t even require knees to be in relationship with us. That said, kneeling is still a beautiful choice, as it can stir us toward his presence....

What Can Christians Learn from the Strange Verse that God Owns Cattle on a Thousand Hills?

Linda Lyle

Why is it important to remember that God owns cattle on a thousand hills? ...

What Exactly Is Intercessory Prayer?

Heather Adams

Intercessory prayer, sometimes called "standing in the gap," is essentially lifting up the needs and concerns of others to God. And it is an expression of agape, or selfless, love....

What Does the Bible Say about Judging Others?

Feeling the eyes of judgement makes most people squirm. And yet, in our sinful minds it's so easy to jump to conclusions about people and sling words of judgement without a second thought. But what d...

Rebuilding Your Family’s Firm Foundation in Christ

Frank Santora

The reason why the Bible, God’s wisdom, should be the foundation for how we build our families is that He is the one who invented “family.” He knows how to make it work best, and then we will come int...

What Does Adonai Mean?

Hope Bolinger

Although we see Yahweh pop up frequently (both Adonai and Yahweh meaning “The Lord”), Adonai gives us more of a hint about what the Lord’s role is in our lives. Adonai means “master” or “Lord,” showin...

What Is Sheol and Is it Different Than Hell?

Bethany Verrett

Several Bible verses, including a parable from Jesus, shows the Bible does assert Sheol was understood before the death and resurrection of Jesus as the afterlife, a place to hold the souls of those w...

The Forever King: Seeing Jesus in 2 Samuel

Here in 2 Samuel, as we look at the king God put on the earthly throne over his people—the throne that was to be an earthy extension of his heavenly throne—we get a glimpse of the forever God intends ...

Why Is the Garden of Gethsemane so Crucial to Jesus' Life?

Jessica Brodie

In the last free moments of His life, Jesus retreats with some of his closest disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane. He spends His time there praying with ferocity as He prepares Himself for the ordea...

Biblical Reasons Christians Should Vote

Emma Danzey

Although we ultimately must trust the Lord in His sovereignty with whoever is in the Oval Office, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court, we have a valuable role to play. We have the choice to v...

What Does the Bible Say about Depression?

Jessica Brodie

For those who don’t have it, depression can be hard to understand. A mood disorder with both mental and physical impacts, depression is different from typical feelings of sadness or grief. Som...

How Can We Embrace a Contrite Heart and Spirit?

Stephanie Englehart

When it comes to our sin, is it enough to just say sorry? In Psalm 51:17, David is crying out to God for forgiveness. He says that his sacrifice to God is a "broken and contrite heart." But what exact...

The Big Picture of the Old Testament

When it comes to describing “the theology of the Old Testament,” not everyone is convinced that there is a single theology represented in these diverse books. It's more fruitful to understand the Old ...

What Is a Leviathan Spirit and How Can You Identify It?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Much of what we know about the characteristics of a leviathan spirit come from theologians and biblical scholars. More than likely this type of spirit is linked to a principality. ...

How Does Matthew Prove That Jesus Is the Messiah?

Ed Jarrett

The gospel of Matthew, like the other three canonical gospels, tells the good news about Jesus. They are not biographies in the modern sense. They tell us very little about his early life. Rather th...

Did Judas Iscariot Have a Choice to Betray Jesus?

Connor Salter

Judas Iscariot was one of the 12 followers that Jesus anointed to be in his inner circle, later known as the apostles. ...