Search Results for mother

Found 425 Results for mother
20 Christmas Eve Bible Verses for a Joy-Filled Evening Editorial Staff

Reflect on the glory of the Savior's birth with this collection of Christmas Bible verses perfect for reading on Christmas Eve or morning! These Bible verses highlight the events and importance of Chr...

How to Stay Positive When You're Spending the Holidays Alone

DiAne Gates

“I love the Lord, because He hears my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore, I shall call upon Him as long as I live.” (Psalm 116:1-2 NAS)The Holidays can be a d...

How Is Satan Getting Us to Hate Instead of Love?

Kristi Walker

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1).Hate is defined as an extreme dislike or disgust (hostility...

The Power of Everyone Doing Something Small

Frank Santora

There is inherent power in doing the little things. In fact, some of the most notable people who changed history knew this, even as they accomplished great and noble strides for humanity. We should pa...

What Pronoun Is Used for the Holy Spirit: He, She, or It?

Jessica Brodie

Whichever way we choose to refer to God does not change God’s nature, and it is the same with the Holy Spirit. As long as we are in full understanding that the Holy Spirit is a person, a full and comp...

What Do We Know about Timothy in the Bible?

Blair Parke

What Timothy experiences sharing the gospel characterizes more of the difficulties Christians face with telling others of Jesus, as well as the importance of a strong Christian mentor like Paul to hel...

6 Beautiful Lessons from the Life of Rachel in the Bible

Betty Dunn

Rachel in the Bible is a quiet character who occasionally speaks her mind and sometimes acts with questionable integrity....

How Easter Reminds Us That God Is Faithful

Ruth Clemence

There are many ways to see how God was faithful at the very first Easter, how He is faithful now, and how He will continue to be faithful forever....

Who Were Samson and Delilah?

Jessica Brodie

The tale of Samson and Delilah is far more than a sensational love story, or yet another battle between the Israelites and their heathen enemies. It’s a story of how God can use even broken, sinful, f...

What Do We Know about the Two Kings Named Ahaziah in the Bible?

Joel Ryan

What do we know about the two kings named Ahaziah in the Bible? Why did neither of their reigns last more than three years?...

Why Does It Matter That Jesus Was Jewish?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus is the Son of God and the cornerstone of the Christians faith. His story is foreshadowed and echoed throughout every page of the Bible. But how can a man who was ethnically and religiously Jewis...

5 Incredible Things We Never Hear About Hannah in the Bible

We know her for her sorrow. She longed for a son, but couldn’t have children. We know her for her faithfulness. She never gave up hope that God would hear her prayer. We also know her for her sacrific...

What Believers Need to Know about the Whore of Babylon in Revelation

Lucas Hagen

In Revelation, we're introduced to 'mother of prostitutes,' often referred to as the 'whore of Babylon.' Let's focus on the big picture of John's description, and what we must know, allowing that to g...

What Does the Bible Say about Relationships?

Kristi Woods

What does the Bible say about relationships? We all have them—with friends, spouses, parents, children, and more. Some flow easily and bring much joy. Others not so much. What, then, should we...

What Does the Bible Teach in Ezekiel's Story of Two Adulterous Sisters?

Hope Bolinger

Ezekiel is a strange book. It uses some of the most bizarre imagery in all of Scripture — apart from Revelation — and the passage on the two adulterous sisters in Ezekiel 23 stands at no...

The Beautiful Meaning and Story Behind the Classic Christmas Carol "Silent Night"

Kristi Walker

"Silent Night" is a traditional Christmas carol that is usually sung by candlelight on Christmas Eve. But who wrote this song, where did it come from, and how did it come to be so popular? F...

How Long Was Jesus on the Cross?

Bethany Jett

Crucifixions could last a few days, so when we celebrate Easter and daily remember Jesus’s sacrifice, we must understand what happened to Jesus, which begs the question: How long was Jesus on the cros...

Who Was Anna the Prophetess and How Does She Fit into the Christmas Story?

Jessica Brodie

Not only does Scripture tell us Jesus' birth was heralded by a choir of angelic beings, but when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the temple, they also encountered two prophets who praised God in a ...

Who Were the Magi in the Christmas Story?

Brad Simon

The story of the Magi began centuries before Christ’s birth. Since the beginning of kingdoms, kings have sought advice from their advisors and prophets. Babylon, however, perfected a council of adviso...