Search Results for persecution

Found 158 Results for persecution
Who Is Jesus?

Jason Soroski

To some, he is a great teacher with good moral ideas. To others, he is an interesting myth. There are even some who fail to believe, contrary to all evidence, that he ever existed at all. To believers...

Connecting the Bible with Real Life

On difficult or "modern" issues, we often treat the Bible as irrelevant. But there are answers in God's Word to even the toughest problems....

6 Things You Didn't Know about Paul in the Bible

Kathy Howard

Paul’s life stands as a testimony to God’s power and grace working in the lives of His people to carry out His purposes....

Empowering Lessons from the Life of Lydia

Hope Bolinger

The Bible is an ancient text, no matter which book you are reading. But even though it was written during a highly male-centered time period, it has plenty of empowering stories of women. One of these...

Ichthys, The Christian Fish Symbol: 5 Origin and History Facts

Blair Parke

You can spot it anywhere: on someone’s shirt, in a newspaper advertisement, even on the back side of the car in front of you in traffic. It is the recognizable Christian Fish symbol, which resembles a...

3 Ways God Uses Broken People for His Glory

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We tend to think that something is useless once it breaks. But our Heavenly Father can do miraculous things with broken people like ourselves. If you aren't feeling worthy of His love, or are question...

5 Prayers to Lift Up for Afghanistan

Tiffany Curtis

The people of Afghanistan need our prayers right now. But in addition to them, let’s lift up prayers for our brave troops, leaders, and missionaries who are facing this fear head-on as well. Lastly, a...

What Are the Oaks of Righteousness and Why Do They Give Us Hope?

Emma Danzey

Isaiah 61 talks about believers being oaks of righteousness. As we study the concept of an oak tree today, may we have a greater appreciation for the meaning of this statement....

What Should Christians Know about What the Bible Says about Spanking?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

Does the Bible say anything about spanking or are we asking the wrong question?...

6 Prayers to Guide You This Christmas Season

Bethany Verrett

One of the best ways to get close to God at this time of year is to talk to Him. While we pray, we grow closer to the living God. These prayers can also help Christians focus on others, and on creatin...

How Does God Help You When You Pass Through the Waters?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

God knows that life in this sin-sick world will challenge us, and we will need help “when you pass through the waters.” But what does it mean that He made this promise to Israel thousands of years ago...

What Is the Difference Between Trials and Temptations?

Bethany Verrett

At every turn it seems there is a sudden problem, or bad habits creep in, and it feels like our walks are set back. Sometimes a tragedy strikes so great our faith shakes. Though they may feel the sa...

How Can We Avoid Letting a Bitter Root Grow in Our Lives?

Heather Adams

The image of a sour root growing up among a body of believers was a powerful way to remind God’s people about the dangers of letting unforgiveness and discontent well up within our hearts. And if we’r...

What Was the Prophet Micah Known For?

Jason Soroski

Micah is known for bringing a message of judgement and restoration that would spur a revival in the land of Judah. Among the prophets of the Old Testament, he is perhaps the most vocal in his demands ...

What is the Crown of Life in the Bible?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

What does it mean when the Bible promises a crown of life to people who stand for God? Let's take a look at the verses that mention the crown of life and what they tell us today....

If God Is for Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

We may feel at times that God has departed from us. How do we counter such feelings? How can we know He’s truly for us?...

Do You See the Cross in All Its Glory?

Michael Jakes

We see crosses everywhere: on necklaces, on mantelpieces, on bumper stickers. It's become such a common sight for us, that we often forget how incredible a symbol the cross truly is. When was the last...

Can Jesus Trust You?

Michael Jakes

There is a certain type of faith that the Lord requires, and shallow faith misses the mark. What makes shallow faith shallow and how can one break free from its clutches to experience the blessings of...

Who Is Theophilus and Why Are Two Books of the Bible Addressed to Him?

Hope Bolinger

Many of the New Testament books were originally letters, and like most letters, they begin with a greeting. The books of Luke and Acts are addressed to a man named Theophilus. But, that's about the fi...