Search Results for sovereign

Found 242 Results for sovereign
5 Lessons for Hard Times from the Life of Joseph

Bethany Verrett

The Old Testament story of Joseph is a favorite in Sunday School classrooms. But there is more to this story than a multi-colored coat. Joseph's life has important lessons for readers of all ages,...

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is the only way a person will enter heaven. In these days of conformity and inclusivity, however, people rail against anything exclusive. Yes, Jesus is exclusively the only way to heaven, b...

What Should Christians Know about the Locusts in Revelation?

Britt Mooney

What should we know about the locusts in Revelation?...

What Are the Three Parts of the Trinity?

Ed Jarrett

The doctrine of the Trinity holds that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one in essence. But within the one God, there are three distinct persons. These three persons are fully integrated i...

Was Queen Athaliah Really as Bad as Her Mother Jezebel and Father Ahab?

Joel Ryan

Few rulers were as sinfully ambitious as Athaliah, the only queen to rule over the southern kingdom of Judah in its history. But how bad was Athaliah really?...

Four Ways God Leads His People

John Piper

I see at least four methods that God uses to lead us in his will. I put them in four "D’s" to help me remember them....

What Are "Sins of the Father"? Understanding Generational Consequences

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The phrase, "sins of the fathers" appears in the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy and Exodus. The phrase also appears in the book of Numbers and in Jeremiah. So, the phrase is linked to the...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us to Pursue Humility?

Heather Adams

Some people think showing humility is a sign of weakness. But actually, it reflects maturity - having a strong sense of self-acceptance and a love for others. Humbleness comes from acknowledging that ...

Why Do the Christmas Angels Appear to Shepherds?

Lisa Loraine Baker

God is not explicit in His Word about why the shepherds were the first to receive the announcement of Jesus’ birth, but with a little digging we can find some possibilities....

What Does the Bible Say about Predestination?

Rylie Fine

Depending on your church background, what the Bible says about predestination may have been a big discussion. Few would dispute that predestination is a biblical concept, the question is how it works....

How Can We Find the Amazing Hope in Christ?

Britt Mooney

How does this inspiring Romans 15 verse about hope in Christ help us today?...

5 Mighty Lessons Nahum Has for Believers Today

Brad Simon

Amid the darkness, Nahum exemplified unwavering faith and obedience. Chosen by God, this humble prophet conveys a powerful message to the people of Judah. He sought to awaken the hearts of the people ...

How Does the Bible Address Medical Assistance in Dying?

Candice Lucey

The Bible is clear about who is Sovereign over life and death: God alone has the final say. Although some churches have advocated for euthanasia, calling it the compassionate option, the Christian chu...

How Did Jesus' Death Pay the Penalty for Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is called the Lamb of God and the Last Adam. These two titles help us understand how Jesus’ death paid the penalty for our sin. As the Lamb of God, He fulfilled the Law as the perfect sacrifice....

Cultivate a Heart of Thankfulness with a Week of Thanksgiving

Cultivating a thankful heart will result in speaking thankful words. But we all need periodic reminders to be thankful, and, for most of us, developing the habit of thankfulness may require some pract...

Is God the Same in the Old and New Testaments?

Sheila Alewine

When you think of God in the New Testament, you probably think of Jesus - working miracles and sacrificing of himself for others. But God in the Old Testament is often wrathful. Old Testament tales ar...

What Do Christians Really Believe?

Stephanie Englehart

Belief in the gospel changes everything. Before Christ, we are lost in a sinless world with no hope, no satisfaction, and no purpose. With Christ, we have new life and new desires....

Why Did Judas Betray Jesus with a Kiss?

Dawn Wilson

Such a kiss coming from Judas on the occasion of a betrayal was not only grievous, it was hypocritical. Proverbs 27:6 could almost be written of Judas: “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an ene...

Biblical Encouragement for Those Facing Infertility

Bethany Verrett

Infertility is not a punishment from God, but a byproduct of living in a fallen world; it can also be an opportunity to get to know the Lord better, and pursue different kinds of opportunities to crea...

The Beautiful Reality of Why We Should Submit Ourselves to God

Dawn Wilson

In submission Christians remember what God has done in saving, providing, protecting, and much more. Submission should well up from a heart of gratitude. Formerly enemies, God’s children were rescued ...