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Found 147 Results for test me in this
What Exactly Is Our Spirit?

Bethany Verrett

The spirit of a person was put in them so they could connect with God and be like Him. Just as part of God’s character is Spirit, people have spirit that endows on them the image of God....

10 Back-to-School Prayers for Students

Micah Maddox

While we each hold our own specific goals for individual children, there is one thing we can do that will launch them into the new school year with a fresh wave of hope and God-centered thinking. We c...

Do We Know Who the 24 Elders of Revelation Are?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

There is much speculation as to who the 24 elders in Revelation are. As you can see, they are seated on thrones, dressed in white robes, wearing crowns. Whoever these elders are, one of the things you...

Prayers for Lent for Renewal in the 2022 Lenten Season

Lia Martin

Every spring, we’re offered a beautiful opportunity to “…throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” (Hebrews 12:1). So whether you are considering giving up something for ...

What Does Gideon Teach Us about Strong Faith?

Rev. Kyle Norman

Gideon’s defeat of Midian is instructive for our lives of faith. While we may never have to face a rival army, the story reveals how God uses us to fulfill God’s purposes in the world. Despite obstacl...

10 Things You Should Know about the Lord's Supper and Communion

Sam Storms

The primary biblical text on the nature and meaning of the Lord’s Supper/Table, also known as Communion or the Eucharist (from the Greek word for the giving of thanks) is 1 Corinthians 11:23-34. Here ...

Should Christians Get Vaccinated?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Outside of religion and politics, few issues cause such division as that of vaccinations. But no matter where you stand, how should Christians respond to this issue? Does the Bible support, or deny va...

Why Does the Way that Seems Right to Man Always Lead to Destruction?

Betty Dunn

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to destruction” Proverbs 14:12. What is the “right” way to live? ...

What Does the Bible Say about Stress and Is it a Sin?

Melissa Henderson

Reading His Word can help answer the question of “What does the Bible say about stress and is it a sin?”...

What Do Doves Symbolize in the Bible?

Bethany Verrett

In our modern world, doves are a sign of peace. But this bird, which can be found in almost all corners of the earth, has many different meanings in Scripture. From its connection to Noah and the floo...

Prayers for Our Church Leaders

Alicia Searl

 The enemy may be trying to take a stronghold, but he is powerless when we fight back with our most powerful weapon—prayer!...

How to Teach Difficult Bible Stories to Your Kids

Shelby Turner

“Mom, why would God do that? Why would he tell a dad to hurt his little boy?” We had just finished reading a chapter titled “The Gift” in the Jesus Storybook Bible and my five-year old’s eyes had grow...

What Does the Bible Say about Overthinking?

Whitney Hopler

What does the Bible say about overthinking? Learning that can help you overcome overthinking and experience peace of mind....

What Is Greed and How Do I Know if I'm Greedy?

April Motl

Scripture doesn’t specifically define greed. In America, we often relegate greed as some abstract quality only the uber rich are guilty of. The rest of us just “want” stuff…...

Is God Really Enough?

Ruth Clemence

Everything we need can be found in God. It seems like a cliché, but the truth of this statement is life-giving, thirst-quenching, and soul-satisfying. All of the longings of the heart can be brought t...

Fanny Crosby: America's Hymn Queen

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

3 Ways Jesus Shows Us How to Practice Hospitality

Mike Leake

Hospitality is about opening up yourself to others. It is not merely about hosting lavish dinner parties or providing a comfortable place to stay; it encompasses a deeper sense of welcoming, acceptanc...

What Does the Bible Say about Giving?

Jason Soroski

There is no question that generous giving is a cornerstone of the Christian faith, and that there is great joy in giving. ...

What Should Our Attitude Be, as Christ-Followers?

Heather Adams

The benefits of having a positive attitude are pretty easy to see - more enjoyment of each day and stronger relationships, just to name two. But Scripture stresses even deeper results of a right minds...

As You Make New Year’s Resolutions, Consider God’s Plan for Your Life This Year

Frank Santora

But as much as we hope these efforts will create a greater life for ourselves and our families, we often break them in a matter of weeks. Why? For the main reason that we focus on our own efforts and ...