Search Results for 1 corinthians 5

Found 669 Results for 1 corinthians 5
There is a Way to Be Happy, Even in Sadness

Neither Jesus nor the Holy Spirit has ever sinned. But both have grieved. Both have been sorrowful. Therefore, godly sorrow is possible. ...

Did Jesus Say We Must Be Baptized in Order to Be Saved?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Nicodemus had spent his whole life endeavoring to do something to gain God’s favor, and there he finally sat in His presence, seeking answers. Nicodemus needed spiritual birth, and Jesus pointed him t...

How Can Christians Effectively Serve One Another in Love?

Corey Sipe

We know that we are supposed to serve one another in love, but how do we accomplish this difficult task?...

Does the Bible Talk about Disabilities?

Jennifer Heeren

The Bible is full of people with disabilities, both physical and mental. However, God works in and through all of us, regardless of any disabilities we may have. So, what does the Bible say about disa...

Why We Should Expect Suffering

Instead of following along with our self-obsessed, comfort-minded culture, Christians should expect suffering. It's the rule, not the exception....

How Jesus Emptied Himself

Jesus emptied himself of at least five things when he became human. ...

How Is the Lamb Worthy in Revelation 5?

Jessica Udall

Just like the lambs had to be spotless to be worthy to sacrifice for temporary atonement for God’s people, Jesus was also sinless and pure, “tempted just as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). ...

5 Ways to Love Your Unsaved Friends

Denise Kohlmeyer

Here are a few ways to express our love to our unsaved friends. These can also apply to unsaved family members, co-workers, neighbors—anyone in your relationship sphere who does not know Jesus as Savi...

What Is the Rapture and Is it Biblical?

Ed Jarrett

You've probably seen the movies or heard rumors of the rapture. Faithful believers are whisked away to heaven, while the rest of mankind is left behind in confusion. But what is the rapture, really? I...

10 Essential Truths about Christian Giving

In our review of these four New Testament passages, we find at least ten principles for Christian giving....

What Are the Praiseworthy Things That Christians Should Think On?

Lisa Loraine Baker

One look at this list will show us the qualities of a righteous person, one committed to the Lord and one who keeps His Word. Where do we go to learn the hows of a godly life? The Bible. As we grow in...

6 Ways the Bible Tells Us What Church Should Look Like

Stephen Altrogge

To claim that the Bible doesn’t tell us what church should look like allows a person to substitute his own preferences for the clear teaching of scripture. So what does the Bible have to say about chu...

What Can the Jars of Clay Bible Verse Teach Us Today?

Melissa Henderson

Why does the Bible use "jars of clay" to talk about something Jesus gave us?...

What Does the Bible Say about Darkness?

Lisa Loraine Baker

From the darkness over the waters in Genesis 1 to the darkness overcome at the end of Revelation, the Bible is filled with discussions about darkness. But what does the Bible say about darkness, as a ...

4 Beautiful Reasons God Loves a Cheerful Giver

Candice Lucey

Our perspective changes when we realize that “the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” (Psalm 24:1) Whatever we give was never ours to begin with, and giving ...

How Long Is a Generation in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

How many years is a generation in the Bible? The answer helps us to understand not just how the Bible emphasizes the importance of family, but also why it's important to pass lessons on....

What Does Paul Mean by Godly Sorrow?

Heather Adams

True godly sorrow is founded on the Lord. In order to feel it, then, we first have to know what pleases God. The Bible lays out His standard for us, as well as His Laws. And any success we have in thi...

What Is the Day of Atonement?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament sacrifices show us it’s the blood which makes atonement. The life (blood) of the animal is poured out in its death, which brings peace between God and the people (Leviticus 17:11). J...

What Does It Mean that God Loves a Cheerful Giver?

Britt Mooney

God calls us to do certain things, but he wants us to obey from love rather than obligation. That’s why the apostle Paul writes that God loves a cheerful giver....

Why Does the Apostle Paul Tell Women to Be Silent and Not to Teach?

Catherine Segars

Given the litany of examples from Scripture where women pray, praise, prophesy over and instruct nations, much less congregations, why this prohibition? Two New Testament passages are frequently refer...