Search Results for 2 peter

Found 656 Results for 2 peter
3 Things We Find in God’s Presence

Michael Jakes

This call to enter into the throne room of God is not one to be taken lightly, for without grace and mercy, we could not even begin to approach His presence. ...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us during Hard Times?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Hard times are inevitable. We best suit up every day according to Ephesians 6:10-20 so we can fight whatever the world throws at us. Have a prayer arsenal, quick go-to verses, and a believing friend i...

What Do We Know about Nathanael – the Disciple without Deceit?

Joel Ryan

Nathanael, also referred to as Bartholomew in the gospels, was one of Jesus’ original twelve disciples. Though not much is known about Nathanael’s background or personality, the apostle is revealed in...

Where Should We Start Reading the Bible?

Melissa Henderson

Scripture is the Word of God shared through various translations, versions, chronologically, and more. But how do we know where to start reading the Bible? ...

Is God an Egomaniac for Asking Us to Worship and Praise Him?

Dr. David Kyle Foster

God's desire for us to worship Him is for our benefit, in countless ways. Here are some of the most life-changing....

Who Does God Say I Am?

Meg Bucher

The pre-requisite of our identity can be found in godly priorities. By aligning our everyday lives to biblical truth, we set our internal GPS to His will. Through Scripture, creation, and purposefully...

What Facts Do We Have to Prove the Resurrection?

Frank Santora

But one of the most difficult things for unbelievers to grapple with is the account of the resurrection of Jesus Christ found in the Gospels. Claiming a man came back to life after a torturous death a...

Strengthen and Defend Your Faith Through Apologetics

Bethany Verrett

"Apologetics" sounds like one of those scary "smart Christian" words - something that pastors and leaders study, but not us common people. But apologetics is simply studying God and the Bible, in orde...

Is a Believer's Baptism Biblical?

Stephen Baker

The practice of credobaptism finds its roots in the very beginning of the Church Age in the first century. The second chapter of Acts records the baptism of about 3000 people after they heard Peter pr...

Is it Important to Know the Exact Age of the Earth?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

At the end of every great question in the Bible (whether about the age of the earth or a mysterious doctrine — as in Romans 9 and predestination — ), the Holy Spirit appeals to the incomprehensible di...

Why It's Important to Know God Doesn't Make Mistakes

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You must get to the place of knowing God doesn’t make mistakes. If you never get there, then your faith will ultimately crumble. As we probe deeper into this thought let me share with you three things...

Seven 'Last Days' Passages You'll Rarely Hear Pastors Preach On

When was the last time you heard a "last days" sermon from the Old Testament?...

How Can I Love God with All My Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength?

Sheila Alewine

In Mark 12, we read of an interesting dialogue Jesus has with the Jewish religious leaders. The conversation came as a result of a parable He had taught about a vineyard owner (Mark 12:1-12). Jesus cl...

What Is a Parable and How Should We Read Them?

Madison Hetzler

Sprinkled throughout the teachings of Jesus, we find tales of mustard seeds and swine, pearls and wineskins. Narratives of coins and stray sheep, buried treasure and banquets collect within the page...

How Should We Respond When Our Faith Is Criticized?

Heather Adams

Christians are called to live and speak differently than those “of the world.” But many believers find themselves worrying that if they fully live out their faith, others will judge or criticize them....

Is Jesus Preaching Legalism When He Says “if You Love Me, Keep My Commands”?

Mike Leake

This verse, I believe, is one which can be easily misunderstood. We can assume that Jesus is saying something like, “prove your love for me by obeying what I tell you to do.” We can develop a works-ba...

10 Beautiful End Time Promises to Give You Hope (Not Fear)

When I watch the news, my heart beats a little faster, and I start to feel anxious and concerned about the future. Alarming news of natural disasters, political upheaval, vicious wars, and indescribab...

Why We Should Rejoice at What Happened on Pentecost

Kristi Walker

Pentecost occurs on the seventh Sunday after Easter, and commemorates the day that Jesus was taken up to Heaven. But what exactly happened on this day, and what it meant for the growth of the modern C...

How Does Preterism View the End Times?

Ashley Hooker

The term preterism is used to describe the understanding of certain eschatological passages in the Bible. It is derived from the Latin word preter which means “past.” The study of preterism is centere...