Search Results for hell

Found 188 Results for hell
The Problem with False Prophets, Then and Now

Hope Bolinger

Ancient Israel around the early 600s/late 500s BC was getting a lot of bad news from prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel. They didn't like what they were hearing. So instead of heeding the prophets' wa...

What Is the Hidden Manna Found in Revelation?

Hope Bolinger

Many of us know about the physical manna the Israelites ate in the desert. But what about the hidden manna in Revelation? What exactly is this?...

4 Empowering Reminders from "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"

Kristi Walker

Martin Luther wrote this hymn as a declaration of his faith! Having faced trials, excommunication, sickness, depression, spiritual warfare, and death, he knew that God, his Mighty Fortress, would be h...

What Is the Purpose of the Book of Life?

Emma Danzey

Essentially, the book of life is used to share that those who are believers in Christ – sealed for eternity – are permanently written in the book. Their names can never be erased; they are God’s child...

How Do I Stop Doing What I Hate I Do?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

"What I hate I do" reminds us that we are complex beings who often do the worst thing for us. So how do we reach a healthier, God-honoring life?...

Is There an Expectation of Eternal Life in the Old Testament?

Randy Alcorn

The New Testament reflects much more specific revelation from God of the afterlife. Yet there are some strong Old Testament indicators, though not nearly as many....

Why Does Jesus Care so Much about His Lost Sheep?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

During his ministry, Jesus often talks in parables, or stories. Some, like the Good Samaritan, are incredibly popular even in our modern culture. But there are quite a few smaller parables that are of...

Why Was Satan Called Beelzebub in the Bible?

Ashley Hooker

In Scripture, Satan is referred to as Lucifer or the devil, to name a few. The evolution of the Beelzebub as a reference to Satan is linked to the Pharisees. The name became a bitter, scornful word an...

Why Was Jesus Given a Crown of Thorns?

Pamela Palmer

The crown of thorns that was being used as a way to hurt and mock Jesus and his claims of being a king has instead become a powerful reminder of exactly who Jesus is and what he went through to save t...

25 Comforting Prayers for the Dying and for Their Families and Loved Ones

Melissa Henderson

Prayers for the dying are one way we can draw closer to God. There may be times when words won’t come. ...

What Is the Wormwood Star That Shows Up in the End Times?

Connor Salter

The wormwood star falls into water sources, and it poisons waters. The Bible specifically starts that a third of the rivers were poisoned, which is interesting since three is an important number that ...

What Do Christians Mean When They Say ‘I Believe in God the Father’?

Melissa Henderson

When we accept Jesus as our Savior and ask God to come into our life, we are acknowledging that there is only one true God. When we speak or write the words ‘I believe in God the Father’ we are showin...

What Does It Mean to Be the Fragrance of Christ?

Emma Danzey

When we ponder the concept of having the fragrance of Christ, everyone on this earth will have a preference. There are two options: either we love the fragrance of Jesus, or we despise it. It either r...

Does the Bible Address Cremation?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Bible speaks volumes about life after death. Most Christians, and many non-believers as well, can tell you about Heaven and Hell and how to get there. But once we die and go to be with the Lord, w...

What is the Crown of Life in the Bible?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

What does it mean when the Bible promises a crown of life to people who stand for God? Let's take a look at the verses that mention the crown of life and what they tell us today....

7 Encouraging Morning Prayers to Center Your Day in the Lord

Jessica Brodie

Coaches often advise people embarking on a lifestyle change to start their day with a positive, affirming routine that both centers and energizes them. Starting the day “right” often leads to a strong...

The Beautiful Symbolism of Snow in Scripture

Emma Danzey

Snow is the precipitation of winter. It helps to provide water that is soaked into the ground and used towards the spring blooms. In God’s goodness, He provides for the needs of the land and people th...

Has God Prepared a Place in Heaven for My Dog?

Alicia Searl

Knowing that God has a plan and purpose for every living thing and the animals He brings into our lives should bring comfort....

What the Bible Says about the Idea of Transgenderism

Dr. Michael A. Milton

It is difficult to imagine a contemporary social movement that is more dangerously consistent with the downward spiral of Romans chapter one than transgenderism. Read these words from St. Paul an...