Search Results for jeremiah 13

Found 159 Results for jeremiah 13
Be Encouraged That God Looks at Our Heart, not Outward Appearances

Lisa Loraine Baker

We humans cannot do anything with complete purity because our sinful hearts lead us into areas of vast sin, and there is only one way they can be fixed: Jesus Christ. He is the only way toward a pure ...

Hosea 6:3 Reminds Us That God Is Always Faithful

Lisa Loraine Baker

Israel knew God would respond positively to their faithfulness because He promised He would. Hosea likens His sure restoration of them with the refreshing nature of the dawn, showers, and spring rain....

What Does 'She Is Clothed with Strength and Dignity' Mean in Proverbs 31?

Dolores Smyth

Written to celebrate the blessing of women who love others with strength of character and dignity of conduct, Proverbs 31 is great wisdom for anyone wishing to put on the new self....

Who Is Malachi the Prophet, the Last Writer of the Old Testament?

Britt Mooney

The book of Malachi is the end of the Old Testament. But God makes it clear that it is not the end of the Story He is telling. The best is yet to come....

Are You Serving a Curated Jesus?

Michael Jakes

Unfortunately, there are many who have fallen under the pall of false teaching, and have done this very thing. In so doing, they have created a “curated Savior.” This means that they have taken wrong ...

Does God Work through Divine Intervention?

Stephanie Englehart

We must see that the whole story of the universe, the story of the cross, is the ultimate work of God’s divine intervention and plan. He is always initiating, engaging, adjusting, and personally playi...

What Does the Bible Say about Marriage?

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

We can see that marriage is an intimate and complementing union between a man and a woman in which the two become one physically, in the whole of life. ...

How Should Christians Live in a World that’s Not Our Home?

Annette Griffin

How can Christians live ‘in the world’ but not be ‘of the world? Viewing the treacherous condition of this world from God’s perspective can be overwhelming. Here’s the good news: that bad news is...

What Is the Difference Between Elijah and Elisha?

Hope Bolinger

Some names in the Bible can trip us up, either because they are unfamiliar, or because they are so similar. It gets trickier still when people in the Bible change their names, like Saul becoming Paul ...

Why Is Prayer Important for Christians?

Melissa Henderson

Why is prayer important for Christians? A life filled with Christ means we will go to Him in joyful moments and in times of sorrow. We will pray for others. Family, friends, strangers and enemies. Pra...

5 Things God Can't Do

Micah Maddox

God is all powerful and all knowing. He is everywhere and His hand controls all things in heaven and on earth. But there are still a couple of things that, blessedly, God cannot or will not do. Let's ...

Is God Speaking to You through Dreams and Visions? What the Bible Really Says about Dreams

Hope Bolinger

Dreams can sometimes fascinate believers. From the visions Daniel experienced in the Old Testament (Daniel 7) to Peter’s dream about clean and unclean animals (Acts 10:9-16) it seems as though...

How to Start - and Stick With - a Daily Devotional Plan

Micah Maddox

It's New Year's resolution season! And while many of us will be planning to exercise more, eat healthier and spend less time in front of screens (for real this time!) many others will be making lofty ...

Why Is Accountability So Important for Christians?

Heather Adams

True accountability starts with accepting that we are all imperfect. It demands that we be honest enough with ourselves to receive correction, or to speak the truth in love to others when it’s needed....

Is Prayer Really That Important?

Leigh Ann Thomas

Are we simply offering “good thoughts” or are we pledging to take these worries and concerns before our Heavenly Father? Is there a difference? And if so, why is prayer important?...

7 Things to Know about the Place Jesus Was Born

Annette Griffin

How did Mary and Joseph find themselves so far from their hometown of Nazareth at a time so close to Mary’s delivery? The explanation begins with Caesar Augustus, the Emperor of Rome, who ruled from 2...

20 Inspiring Baby Names Found in the Bible

Emma Danzey

As believers in Christ, the Bible is always a popular place to go to find inspiration for a child’s name. However, maybe you or a loved one is looking for something a little more outside of the box....

3 Simple Ways to Ask God to Transform Your Heart

Sheila Alewine

God always loves to hear from us. Even a short prayer can be a wonderful way for us to reconnect with him and focus our hearts. But sometimes, even when we ask God for things, His answer may be "no." ...

Can We Bring the Hard Questions to God?

Frank Santora

It’s ultimately worse for our relationship with God if we were to just sweep things like confusion, pain, and worry under our “emotional rug;” adopting clichéd, religious blanket answers is not health...

What Does the Bible Say about Science, and Are They in Conflict?

Stephen Baker

What does the Bible say about science in general? Science is a wonderful thing! From the beginning, God encouraged the scientific exploration of the world when He commanded us to rule over and su...