Search Results for judges 20

Found 91 Results for judges 20
Seven 'Last Days' Passages You'll Rarely Hear Pastors Preach On

When was the last time you heard a "last days" sermon from the Old Testament?...

15 Things All Christians Should Know about Judaism

Bethany Verrett

Just because many people of Jewish descent have rejected Jesus, that does not mean God has turned His back on them. One of the beautiful prophecies in Revelation is that many Jews will turn to their t...

What Does the Bible Say about Couples Living Together before Marriage?

Sheila Alewine

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what our culture decides about this issue of engaging in a sexual relationship with someone outside the covenant of marriage. The real issue is what God thinks of you, fo...

Why Did Christ Have to Be Pierced for Our Transgressions?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Bible tells us Jesus was and is an innocent man, completely pure and sinless. Yet He suffered and died in our place. One innocent man took the place of all of history’s sinful souls....

The Cautionary Tale of the Sanhedrin

Heather Adams

The Sanhedrin were the ruling governmental body during Jesus time. In the Bible, they are most famous for condemning Jesus to death in a sham trial. Their story is not a good one, but they were still ...

Where Can We See Jesus' Power and Authority on Full Display?

Lisa Loraine Baker

No doubt Jesus exposed His power and authority in the Bible. A look at why He said He came will give us fuller realization and wonder when we regard the Bible passages which record His acts of power a...

Solomon's Song of Love

The Song of Solomon teaches that intimacy within marriage is received with thanksgiving, as all of God’s created gifts should be. Here right love is rightly exalted. Here desire and the fulfillment of...

11 Attributes of God to Cling to When Life Feels Crazy

Meg Bucher

Attributes represent qualities, characteristics, or properties that contribute to the way we see or know something or someone. Our Triune God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one. He reigns o...

10 Faithful Moms Throughout History Who Teach Us about God

Dawn Wilson

Mothers hold their children’s hearts for a relatively short time. It’s never too soon to teach them, in age-appropriate ways, about the God who can guide them throughout life....

The Big Picture of the Old Testament

When it comes to describing “the theology of the Old Testament,” not everyone is convinced that there is a single theology represented in these diverse books. It's more fruitful to understand the Old ...

7 Facts About the Second Coming of Jesus

DiAne Gates

Jesus listed certain signs in the 24th chapter of Matthew which would signal the end of the age and His soon return to set up His millennial kingdom on planet earth. The Old and New Testaments record ...