Search Results for mark 11

Found 362 Results for mark 11
What Is the Meaning of the Fourth Week of Advent Candle?

G. Connor Salter

The fourth advent candle is the last one lit for most advent wreaths, marking the last phase of the advent season....

Why Jesus Cried "My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me" 

Larry White

Jesus last words on the cross were a desperate plea to the Father: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" The lines, however, are actually a reference to David's plea in Psalm 22. W...

Did Christ Actually Empty Himself Via Kenosis (Self-Emptying)?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The kenosis theory states Christ gave up some of His divine attributes—such as omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence—during His incarnation as a man. ...

What Is Hell? A Biblical Guide of Its Existence Editorial Staff

Hell is a place of total, conscious, eternal separation from the blessings of God. If a person rejects God all throughout life, never submitting to him in repentance, then the person will enter eterni...

How Can We Practice Sacrificial Love?

Ruth Clemence

In the ancient Greek language, there are four types of love. There is storge love which is love that is shared between family members like that experienced between a parent and child; eros love which ...

What Makes the Great Commission So Great?

Michael Jakes

In Matthew 28, Jesus commands his disciples to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obe...

When Did Jesus See Satan "Fall Like Lightning"?

In one of the more enigmatic verses in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells His disciples, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (Luke 10:18). When did He mean?...

On Earthquakes and End Times

Craig Blomberg

What’s crucial is to read the text carefully. Wars and rumors of wars should not alarm God’s people. The end is still to come. Such portents do not herald the end!...

And Be Thankful: A Thanksgiving Meditation

What does God think of our thanksgiving?...

How Can I Trust a God Who Is Allowing Coronavirus?

Anne Peterson

We have this wonderful love letter full of promises from God. We can saturate ourselves with Biblical truths and realize we have victory, even when battling a global pandemic....

Is the Bible Anti-Women?

Blair Parke

When we read these stories of amazing women that are at the same level of faith and resilience as men, we can see that the Bible is the opposite of sexist, but celebrates the capabilities that God has...

Who Is Caiaphas in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

What does scripture say about Caiaphas? Joseph Caiaphas, a Sadducee, operated as the Jewish high priest in the Jerusalem temple, and he presided over the Sanhedrin during Jesus’ time on earth....

5 Incredible Lessons about the Trinity

Emma Danzey

We read throughout the Bible that God is Triune. He is three in one. We can allow this fact about Him to intimidate us, or we can press into the joy, mystery, and reality of how He describes Himself....

For Lent, Give Up Lent

Jesse Johnson

I can’t help but notice a growth in evangelicals who want to celebrate Lent by “giving something up.” I’ve heard of Christians giving up sugar, soda, Angry Birds, and Netflix (ok, I made up the last o...

Nine Ways “Help My Unbelief” Is a Powerful Prayer

Jessica Brodie

The father’s acknowledgment of his own weak faith and desperate plea for help is an important lesson for us today, for many of us struggle with faulty belief and trust in the only One who can possibly...

Why Should We Know about Agur, Author of the Sayings in Proverbs 30

Lisa Loraine Baker

God used Agur to pen a chapter in the Bible. What an honor to be entrusted with inscribing words as part of the Holy Scriptures. ...

Is There Any Significance to Colors in the Bible?

Madeline Twooney

In modern Christianity, colors are used frequently to represent the differing facets of God’s character and promises. Colors, like numbers, have significant meaning in the Bible. Understanding w...

Follow in the Footsteps of These “Hall of Faith” Heroes

Heather Adams

In this journey through Hebrews 11, the author celebrates certain people who demonstrated their firm belief in the Lord. Many of the names are familiar, others not so well known. But all of them have ...

3 Heroes God Made Strong in Their Weakness

Southeastern University Online

8 Weeks in Malachi

Our tempers often cause us to forget how gracious the Lord is. We only see half the picture. In this eight-week study, the words of Malachi will reveal the other half....