Search Results for reason

Found 742 Results for reason
Was There Death in the World Before the Fall?

Ed Jarrett

There's quite a lot of debate about the origin of the world, even among Christians. But whether you hold to an old earth philosophy or believe the earth is rather new, there's one question that still ...

Can I Tithe from a Rewards Credit Card?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Back in the day, tithing was a pretty simple process. You'd just put your cash or check in an offering plate. But with so many digital options these days, we have to ask - is it okay to tithe from a r...

Why Is Jesus Called the "True Light"?

Mike Leake

Can you imagine trying to navigate your way out of a dark cavern only using the flickering light of a lightning bug? It’d be crazy. If you want to make it through the dark, you need an actual source o...

Why Should Teolology Matter to Christians?

Ben Reichert

Teleology helps us see that all things have a purpose - which means that life means far more than we think....

Is the Bible Really One Big Story?

Michael Jakes

What staggers the mind and serves to add to the awesomeness of it all is how God has assembled and preserved His Word. Written over a period of approximately 1500-1600 years by 40 different authors fr...

What Is the Biblical Meaning of the Phrase "Sanctity of Life"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This term “sanctity of life” has most often been connected to the battle over abortion and protecting the lives of the unborn, but is there more to it? For this reason, I want to challenge your thinki...

9 Ways Psalm 118:24 Encourages Us to Rejoice in the Lord Every Day

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

If you are going to be honest, there are times where you don’t feel like rejoicing or being glad. When those moments come, remember this chapter and this verse. Rejoicing is a common theme and instruc...

What Is the Bible’s Definition of Backslide?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The word “backslide” can have many connotations, but what does backslide mean in the Bible? To answer that question, we must first consider what people have backslidden from, and then whether their po...

How to Find the Gospel among the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles

Mike Leake

While I’ll still readily acknowledge that those first few chapters of 1 Chronicles are tough sledding, the reality is that the gospel is here as well. It’s far more than a phone book. It isn’t a glori...

What Does it Mean to be Baptized in the Spirit?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Christianity has two camps on the work of the Holy Spirit. Depending on the camp, what it means to be baptized in the Spirit is very different. So what does Holy Spirit baptism really mean?...

10 Christmas Carols that Tell the Real Story of Christmas

Meg Bucher

The first few notes of “O Holy Night,” and the Peanuts singing, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” stir the true spirit of Christmas in our souls. We feel this way because many of the Christmas Carols tha...

When I Want to Know if They Believe in the Same God

Dennis Prager

This affirmation of God as the only God—the central theological tenet of the Torah—raises a vitally important question: Do all people who believe in one god believe in the same god? More specifically,...

10 Powerful Facts About the Cross of Christ & His Crucifixion

Sam Storms

Not too long ago a book was published with the title: What was God doing on the Cross? It appears that there are two questions being asked, not one. First, “What was God doing on the cross?” Why was t...

25 Christmas Prayers and Blessings to Share with Family and Friends This Holiday Season

Bethany Verrett

There are many reasons to look forward to the Christmas season. It encourages coziness, joy, and people refocus on their friends and family. But it is important through the tinsel and the shopping to ...

7 Prayers for When You Feel Lost in Life

Cindi McMenamin

Are you feeling lost, hopeless, without direction? Maybe you just aren’t sure how to talk to God anymore or if He’ll even listen.Life can be disappointing and feel hopeless at times, especially if you...

Why Did God Create Everything?

Ed Jarrett

The Scripture is clear that God created the physical universe, the earth, and all life on it, including humanity. But it is less clear just why he created it all. This article is an attempt to provide...

Why Should Christians Understand the Sneaky Dangers of Nihilism?

Ben Reichert

Most of us know that nihilism is a dark philosophy, but does it really say that life is meaningless? Is this philosophy more popular than we may think?...

What Exactly Is Sin?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When you think about what sin is, you must recognize that sin looks to dominate a person’s life. Sin doesn’t come in to be nice, sin comes in to take control. Sin is a relentless master that looks to ...

Who Can Take Communion?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Communion, which can also be known as the Eucharist or The Lord’s Supper, is a time when we come together to commemorate the death of Jesus for our sins. To celebrate this, we will take a bread elemen...

Why Did God Flood the World?

Ed Jarrett

It would be easy to read this and see a God who was caught off guard by how sinful humanity had become. A God who became so angry that he decided to wipe out the whole mess and start over again. But i...