Search Results for john

Found 241 Results for john
MacArthur: The Emergent Church is a Form of Paganism

Paul Edwards interviews pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church John MacArthur about the emerging church movement in America....


A church member stopped the pastor and angrily complained that the church had purchased five new brooms, an expenditure he thought completely unnecessary. The pastor was surprised at the man's reactio...

Morality, Strength

When the Statue of Liberty was remodeled, it was discovered that the entire inside support system had to be replaced. The outside copper skin of the statue was okay;...

Preaching Through Their Defenses: An Interview with John Ortberg

Since 2003, John Ortberg has served as senior pastor of the Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in Menlo Park, California....

Illustration: Persuasion, the Power of Evidence

Does the evidecen against you cause you to assume your guilt?...

Illustration: Christ

Lady Diana Cooper, an aristocrat whose husband was an ambassador, went to a concert and began chatting with “a nice little woman.” Afterward, she suddenly realized the woman was Queen Elizabeth II. ...

You May Be A Preacher If...

- You've ever lied to the choir director about how good the cantata sounded. - Your wife has amassed a huge collection of unsolicited casserole recipes.......


ohn Fawcett was the beloved minister of a small, rural church. He was called to a larger church in the city, but at the last moment he changed his mind....

Unpopular Promises

There are hundreds or even thousands of promises in the Bible, depending on who is counting....

The Expository Method

"It is, perhaps, an overbold beginning, but I will venture to say that with its preaching, Christianity stands or falls." – P.T. Forsyth...

Illustration: Death from the Perspective of 9-Year-Olds

Children have keen imaginations about lofty topics....

Illustration: Redemption

During the American Civil War, Northern men could pay a substitute to serve in the army in their place. ...

To Illustrate: Ressurection

Why didn’t they just lock up Jesus? That would have stopped Him from teaching, preaching and gathering followers. ...

Illustration: Comfort, Challenge

Too much comfort is dangerous. Literally. ...


The Finno-Ugrians were the ancient ancestors of both the people of Finland and the people of Hungary. They regarded the wild duck as a sacred animal. This was because they held that the world came int...

Illustration: The Church

The church loses its effectiveness without the ability to send forth the work it is intended to be doing....

Good Works

An associate of Wesley, Samuel Bradburn, was highly respected by his friends and used by God as an effective preacher. On one occasion he was in rather desperate financial need. When Wesley learned...