Search Results for psalms 6

Found 216 Results for psalms 6
Trusting an Unchanging God, Part 1

The question you need to ask is: Does God change? It may seem simple, but this question is so important to our future-our peace of mind!...

5 Proven Weapons in the Fight for Holiness

Having promises at hand that suit the temptation of the hour is one key to successful warfare against sin. But there are times when we don’t have a perfectly suited word from God in our minds....

3 Beautiful Prayers in the Bible to Encourage You

Meg Bucher

Biblical prayers have a common denominator of hope. Hope causes us to look upwards and fall down on our knees, holding onto the One who sits above all. Deuteronomy 33:12 says the beloved of the Lord...

How Did a Man after God’s Own Heart Fall So Far into Sin?

Robert Hampshire

It was no accident that David had no one around to keep him accountable. Why should he? He was the king! But it was in that moment he made decisions that destroyed his life. So, how did a man after Go...

What Does it Mean in the Bible That God Remembered?

Jessica Brodie

In every instance of God "remembering," we see that it always includes an action. God never forgets His promises or His people — He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and the creator o...

10 Scriptures to Prepare Your Heart for Thanksgiving

Micah Maddox

The season of thankfulness is upon us! But as believers, we are called to praise God and give thanks all year long. So no matter what time of the year it is, these 10 beautiful verses can help you tur...

What Is Quiet Time?

Linda Lyle

While peace and quiet calms us physically, we also need quiet time with God to restore us spiritually....

What Does the Bible Advise if You're a Glutton for Punishment?

Melissa Henderson

No one wants to be known as a glutton for punishment. But does the Bible tell us anything about how to avoid entering that position?...

Why Did Christ Have to Be Pierced for Our Transgressions?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Bible tells us Jesus was and is an innocent man, completely pure and sinless. Yet He suffered and died in our place. One innocent man took the place of all of history’s sinful souls....

Why Did Judas Take 30 Pieces of Silver for Jesus?

Joel Ryan

The fact that Judas betrayed his master Jesus was terrible... but as we shall see, the fact that he betrayed Jesus for the paltry sum of 30 pieces of silver made the situation even more tragic, and od...

5 Powerful Lessons from the Book of Habakkuk

Lisa Loraine Baker

No matter what the world foists upon us, God is greater and His plans are far above any human consideration. God truly has the whole world in His mighty, unfailing hands....

What Good Is Suffering? 3 Unexpected Lessons from Job

Hope Bolinger

It's a common question from both Christians and non-believers - if God is good, why does he allow suffering? Sometimes, looking for an answer to this question in the book of Job brings about more ...

Why Did the First Believers Receive the Holy Spirit Via Tongues of Fire?

Britt Mooney

When the feast of Pentecost arrived, “tongues of fire” descended upon each disciple (Acts 2:3). What exactly were these tongues of fire?...

Is it Biblical for Christians to Say 'I Will Sing of the Goodness of God'?

Britt Mooney

While "I will sing of the goodness of God" is a nice phrase, we should take time to dig deeper into its meaning. Why is it important to remember his goodness? And why do we sing about it?...

Why Were People Shocked by the ‘I Am’ Statements Jesus Made?

Betty Dunn

Jesus said many things, so what makes his "I am" statements so surprising?...

What Was the Firmament That God Created on the Second Day?

Betty Dunn

On the second day of the Creation described here in Genesis 1, God commanded that there be a firmament separating the seas and oceans of Earth from the waters above the firmament. ...

10 Tips for Building Faithful Habits

Lisa Loraine Baker

Have you decided to begin or renew a particular Christian habit? Proverbs 4:7 tells us wisdom is the skillful application of knowledge. There is a moral component to it as well. Know who you are befor...

How to Trace the Fire of the Holy Spirit

Many people find keeping a journal is a tool God uses to draw them into deeper intimacy with Him. A written journal is a record of your spiritual journey. It is a means to "trace the fire of the Holy ...

Is Patience Really a Virtue according to the Bible?

Hope Bolinger

The phrase “patience is a virtue” did not occur any time during the Old or New Testament. In fact, our first record of this phrase comes from the 1300s from William Langland in his poem Piers Plowman....