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Found 357 Results for sons of
Who Was King Xerxes?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We have implicit and explicit information about Xerxes from the book of Esther, but the extra-biblical archives aid our understanding about this man and how God used him. ...

What Does the Bible Say about Leadership?

Michael Lee Stallard

Leading entails influencing people to think, say and behave in ways that take them from one place to another. Leading can be formal (you hold a position of authority in a group) or informal (you influ...

Comforting Arms

God doesn’t just pat us on the back when we are in mourning....

What Are the Psalms of Asaph?

Mike Leake

Asaph seemed to be one of the more contemplative of the authors. He was able to see the depth of brutish temptation within his own heart, but also the steadfast anchor of God’s love for him. ...

Experiencing the Riches of God's Grace

In Ephesians 1, Paul invites us into the very throne room of God as he shows us the blessings God has stored up for us in his treasure house - blessings we already fully possess if we belong to Jesus ...

What Should We Know about the Number 12 in the Bible?

Andy Lee

Have you wondered if numbers repeated in the Bible, like the number 12, have special meaning? ...

What Is the Mark of Cain?

Bethany Verrett

The Mark of Cain was most likely a physical mark left by God on Cain’s head, which demonstrated to the world He had God’s protection; ultimately, the Bible does not need to go into more detail, becaus...

7 Important Things to Know about Circumcision in the Bible

Jessica Van Roekel

The state of our hearts before the Lord is vital to our relationship with him, which is why we must cut away anything that hinders us from loving him with our whole heart. ...

How Can Joshua and Caleb’s Powerful Faith Encourage You?

Jessica Brodie

Faith isn’t always easy, but God is the Creator of the universe, the Alpha and the Omega, and God is all-powerful. On our own, we can do little, but when we are doing God’s will, God will always trium...

Surprising Things the Bible Says About Mental Illness

Tammy Kennington

What does the Bible say about mental illness? The Bible tells us that our God is big enough to overcome whatever we are facing. ...

10 Lessons from the Dramatic Story of Judah and Tamar

Jessica Brodie

In the story of Judah and Tamar, God produced much good out of what could have been a great evil. Likewise, he does the same in our lives today and has done the same throughout history, using wrongs t...

Do Christians Have to Get Married in a Church?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We are the church, so true believers always get married “in” the church no matter the location of the ceremony (assuming a Christian couple would not choose a questionable site). Weddings perform...

Why We Should "Lean Not on Our Own Understanding"

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This verse speaks to the dilemma that everyone who chooses to follow God faces, how to trust and how to choose. We all have decisions to make, and yet this Proverb is clearly stating that you should n...

Why Should We Know Who Kenan Is in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

Kenan probably isn't someone you learned much about in Sunday School. So what can his surprising family history teach us today?...

Why Should We Know about the Overlooked Judge Shamgar?

Lisa Loraine Baker

. Shamgar served as the third judge over Israel, after Othniel and Ehud. Under Ehud, Israel had rest for 80 years (Judges 3:30)....

What Does the Bible Say about Molech?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Molech is one of the most frequently-mentioned pagan deities in the Old Testament, with a strange, dark history that we need to be aware of today. Here's what the Bible tells us about this pagan deity...

14 Things You Ought to Know about the Crusades

Bethany Verrett

There are many myths and many truths about the Crusades, but it is a fascinating yet complicated period of religious fanaticism, interesting players, and long-lasting ramifications....

How to Know 'Joy Comes in the Morning' in Your Darkest Hour

Josie Siler

But a shout of joy comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5, NASB). The word used here for joy is the Hebrew word rinnah. It means “ringing cry of entreaty, supplication” or “ringing cry in proclamation, joy...