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Found 2214 Results for christ
5 Powerful Prayers for the End Times

Meg Bucher

The Holy Spirit gives us the strength we need each day to accomplish the tasks and opportunities before us. Though we don't know the exact date or need to know it, we can still pray about various aspe...

10 Things That are Not Evangelism

Rhonda Stoppe

Kim had been a believer for a number of years. She often felt the twinge of guilt whenever her pastor brought up evangelism. Since becoming a Christian, Kim knew God wanted her to tell others about th...

How to Study the Book of Acts: 4 Practical Tips

The Bible Book of Acts comes at a special time in the Gospel story of Jesus Christ. Acts is one of the larger books of the Bible that contains many special insights and faith inspirations. But, have y...

5 Carols That Keep Our Focus on Christ This Christmas

Heather Adams

Christmastime is filled with all sorts of wonderful music. From hymns to spirituals, to more modern-day classics, we can feast on songs all throughout the season. But some songs are more focused on th...

Why Discipleship is Essential (and Where to Start!)

April Motl

I was about eighteen years old when I’d come to the realization. I had read Bible passages and Christian books, been to various testimony services, prayed every which way I knew how. I was at the poin...

Finding Contentment in the Midst of Coronavirus Fear

Allie Boman

The coronavirus pandemic that is shaking the world is unprecedented. And no matter who you are, it's scary. What is a Christian to do to spread Christ's love and joy, when we ourselves are crippled wi...

Is It True That "Out of the Abundance of the Heart, the Mouth Speaks"?

Jason Soroski

The truth is, we all like to talk, and as humans we can figure out how to say things to create a certain impression. At least we can for a while. But eventually, who we really are and what we really b...

How Can We Be in the World but Not of the World?

Michael Jakes

This world system is opposed to everything that is God and is under the dominion of Satan. Even we sometimes think that we can live godly lives, and yet hold on to a piece of this world for ourselves....

It Takes Courage to Follow God

Lisa Loraine Baker

It indeed takes courage to follow Jesus. But if we accept Him as Savior and Lord, how can we not fully devote our lives to Him? To do otherwise is to remain spiritually immature, missing the myriad bl...

What Does It Mean to Be the Fragrance of Christ?

Emma Danzey

When we ponder the concept of having the fragrance of Christ, everyone on this earth will have a preference. There are two options: either we love the fragrance of Jesus, or we despise it. It either r...

The Good and the Bad of Christian Fundamentalism

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

A person who identifies as a Christian Fundamentalist is making a commitment to adhere to the core doctrines that are essential to Christianity. That sounds good in theory, but I told you there were g...

What Does the Bible Say about Resurrection Day?

Tammy Kennington

Resurrection Day is the culmination of Holy Week and one of the most important events in the Bible. Within this story we think we know so well are messages we need for today....

What Makes Sola Fide So Important to Christians?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Why has the Latin phrase sola fide changed so many lives?...

Who Was Polycarp?

Lancelot Tucker

Polycarp was one of the first second-generation Christians to be martyred, and a foundational figure in the early church. Here is what we know about his life and how it ended....

What to Do When We Find Ourselves Working for God’s Approval

Mike Leake

Could I, with straight face, say to my children, “I find you acceptable only when you do your chores”? Could I expect to have a growing relationship with my wife if I said, “I find you acceptable when...

Is It Correct to Say That America is a Christian Nation?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Attempting to describe America as a Christian nation causes you to think of Christianity from a nationalistic point of view. Here is the problem. God doesn’t save nations, he saves individuals. ...

What Is Judaizing and Does It Still Happen Today?

Bethany Verrett

In part because of ignorance and confusion (although later for the sake of forcing them to conform to specific behaviors) many Jewish people began to pressure Gentile believers into conforming to Jewi...

Can Someone’s Name Be Erased from the Book of Life?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As Jesus’ saints, we persevere and we are assured God will complete in us what He began (Philippians 1:16). At the moment of true conversion, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. He is our guarantee....

The Resurrection of Jesus - 7 Facts to Know and Understand

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The oldest book in the Bible addresses the greatest existential questions of every age: “If a person dies, will they live again” (Job 14:14)? The holy Scriptures not only raise the question that is em...