Search Results for do not judge

Found 250 Results for do not judge
How Daniel’s Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The 70 weeks in Daniel are one of the most important prophecies to study in the Old Testament. One reason is because it ties together so many other prophetic words we find in Scripture and helps us to...

Does the Bible Say to Avoid Sex Before Marriage?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Sex before marriage is nothing new. But what advice does the Bible give us for handling this complicated topic?...

What Do We Learn about Salvation from Jesus’ Meeting with Nicodemus?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Nicodemus did not understand what Jesus meant about being “born again,” for he only understood physical birth. He asked Jesus how it could be, and he listened as Jesus told him one must be “born of wa...

Why It Is Crucial That "You Shall Not Commit Adultery"

Bethany Verrett

The 10 Commandments established the law for Israel, and many if not all of these laws are still accepted by us today. Commands like "do not murder" or "do not lie" seem commonsense. But what about the...

What Does the Verse "If God Is for Us, Who Can Be against Us" Mean?

Alyssa Roat

Just about any list of encouraging Bible verses will include Romans 8:31: “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” But what are ...

An Uncorrupted View of Godly Leadership from Jude

Lianna Davis

When you pause and look at the world today, no matter what, we can all agree that we need more godly leaders. But it can be hard to tell just what makes a godly leader. That's why our good Father gave...

Do Christians Need Both Testaments of the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. You can’t have one without the other to come to as full an understanding of Scripture (and Him) a...

Are the Sermon on the Plain and Sermon on the Mount the Same Thing?

Betty Dunn

Jesus preached the Sermon on the Plain after a night of praying on a mountainside and a morning spent choosing his 12 disciples (Luke 6). He delivered his sermon on level ground and the Sermon on the ...

Did Christ Actually Empty Himself Via Kenosis (Self-Emptying)?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The kenosis theory states Christ gave up some of His divine attributes—such as omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence—during His incarnation as a man. ...

How Long Should a Pastor Preach?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Your effectiveness in preaching is not judged by the time on the clock but by the quality of the content. Let me add one more point. A good pastor should not just be beholden to their notes, but they ...

How Can We Overcome Evil with Good?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

For many when you are confronted with evil, a typical response and if we are honest probably the most desired response, is to strike back with evil. Yet despite this natural desire to want to strike b...

What Are the Most Important Mountains in the Bible?

Hope Bolinger

There are several mountains mentioned in the Bible, but what are the most important mountains in the Bible. And what happened at each location?...

What Are the Seven Spirits of God?

Heather Riggleman

What are the seven spirits of God? This question arises when we stumble into the book of Isaiah and Revelations. The only way to truly know the seven spirits of God is to get to know God Himself throu...

Refreshment for When You Feel Like Giving Up

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Reached the end of your rope? Good news! You are not alone. Everyone throughout history has felt this way at some point, and the prophet Elijah was no exception. But when he had had enough and was rea...

How Isaiah Promises God Will Give Us “Beauty for Ashes” in Painful Seasons

Ashley Hooker

Isaiah 61:3 is a beautiful picture of what Christ can do for the mourning people of Israel and the ones hurting today. When we examine the verse, we learn that Christ is the joy-giver. He gives a joy ...

What Does the End of the World Mean?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When the Bible talks about the end of the world, I think it's important to define what that statement really means. A better way to think about the end of the world is to think about the end of the wo...

How Can We Lovingly Practice Discernment?

Mike Leake

True biblical discernment isn’t about spotting out every error and every deviation from truth. True biblical discernment is instead about highlighting the work of Jesus. In a world with many decisions...

Who Was Habakkuk?

Brad Simon

Amid the prevailing darkness, Habakkuk fervently sought the Lord. He struggled with the violence, injustice, and wickedness in his nation. He questions God’s apparent silence and wonders why He tolera...

Where Do We See Jesus in the Old Testament Book of 1 Samuel?

Mike Leake

David is pointing to another. It will not be through King David that our high calling to rule will be restored. No, this will come through the finished work of King Jesus. 1 Samuel points to what ough...

Daniel's Diary

Woodrow Kroll

Long before he was dropped into the lions’ den, Daniel’s faith endured a hostile environment....