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How Biblical Hermeneutics Can Help You Better Understand Scripture

Blair Parke

Most connect hermeneutics to studying the Bible and going deeper into God’s meaning for situations that happen to us and the world. Since the Bible pertains to divine revelation from God, biblical her...

10 Things to Know about Marrying a Pastor

Joe McKeever

After you have been married a few years, you will encounter other young women who are scared to death about marrying a minister. Or, they’re already married and find themselves overwhelmed by the dema...

Why Will Jesus Come "Like a Thief in the Night"?

Heather Adams

“...for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” 1 Thessalonians 5:2Certain truths about God that we see in the Bible can seem out of character or illogical to...

5 Ways the Church Can Reach People with Disabilities

Pamela Palmer

American culture functions in ways that often marginalize people with disabilities. Imagine the challenges of being a wheelchair user and traveling by plane, or being a blind person placing an order...

5 Prayers for Newlyweds to Get a Strong Start Together

Rachel Britton

A marriage ceremony and celebration can be beautiful and stirring, both for the couple and those who attend and witness the wedding. A successful marriage, though, is more than the loving feelings and...

Why Were Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh Gifted to Baby Jesus?

Heather Adams

The Christmas season abounds with stories and songs about the amazing work that God did on behalf of the world. He sent His only Son to be born as a human baby, to live life among us and finally, to s...

30 Verses Every Christian Should Memorize

Bethany Verrett

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Jesus Christ is the Living Word, who walks with those who call Him “Lord.” He also enshrined the story of t...

10 Bible Stories Every Kid Should Know

Bethany Verrett

Teaching children about their Savior and how they can have eternal life may be the most important responsibility of a Christian parent and the believers who come into the lives of children. One of the...

21 Bible Verses for Sleep and Rest When Your Soul Needs Peace

Debbie McDaniel

Many of us have been there. Middle of the night. Darkness surrounds. All is quiet. All should be at peace. Except we can’t sleep. Recently when our family walked through a very difficult trial, I foun...

10 Calming Psalms to Pray When You Feel Afraid

Micah Maddox

Fear is a normal human emotion, and one that our Heavenly Father understands and empathizes with. He gave us His word, filled with wisdom and relatable stories, to help soothe our fears and blanket us...

10 Hopeful Verses for an Uncertain Future

Micah Maddox

As the New Year approaches, some of us may be optimistic for a new beginning. But even if your future looks uncertain, there is hope. No matter what happened in the past year, and what the new year ho...

The Best Time to Plant a Tree

Maybe this is the year you want to plow some new ground spiritually. ...

What Is a 'Shield of Faith' and How Do I Wear Mine?

Hope Bolinger

Your faith is a metaphorical shield that truly works to defend you against enemy attack. Learn what the Bible says about how to take up and wear your shield of faith—and claim victory!...

How Do I Get Started Praying?

Allie Boman

Prayer is essential to the Christian life, but it can be difficult to build up a healthy prayer life. You may be feeling unprepared, insecure or just too busy to pray sometimes. How can we work to get...

Why Is It Essential That We Guard Our Hearts?

Kristi Walker

Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to "guard your heart with all diligence," but why is that so important and how do we apply it to our everyday lives? What happens if we don't guard our hearts?...

8 Blessings to Pray over Your Kids

Micah Maddox

The world tells our children so many lies. While we try to prepare and protect our kids from the enemy of their souls, there is no better defense we can offer than to stand in the gap and pray. ...

The End of Loneliness

Joe Thorn

If God is with his people, then as a Christian you can rest assured that he is with you. And if God is with you, to uphold you, you have the promise of perseverance....

10 Prayers for Your Bible Reading

Kristen Wetherell

Reading the Bible before praying is like putting the cart before the horse. The proverbial horse is the Holy Spirit of God, who empowers and enlightens our Bible reading as we mine the depths of his ...

10 Ways to Revive a Deadened Heart

Jennifer Slattery

Every Christian goes through what many refer to as “desert” seasons—when it feels as if we’re living by force of will rather than faith. The danger comes when this period of spiritual lethargy becomes...

7 Ways to Find Strength When You’re in the Middle of a Mess

Sheila Walsh

Life is messy. I don’t think that will come as any great surprise. If you’ve lived more than thirty minutes you know that life is both beautiful and broken. Over the years the number one question I’ve...