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Found 709 Results for written
When Was the King James Bible Written?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

The King James Bible may be old, but it marked a historic milestone in Bible translations and a shift in who had access to the Bible....

How Is the Word a Lamp to Our Feet and a Light to Our Path?

Jessica Brodie

Just like a person might take a bright lamp or lantern and shine it to guide their steps, aiding them so they cannot stumble and fall, God’s word serves as a light so we don’t stumble in our walk to b...

When Was the King James Bible Written?

Mike Leake

The King James Version of the Bible is a masterpiece of literature. It’s writing and meter makes it easier to memorize than some modern translations. It’s history alone makes it worth reading and valu...

How Can We Encourage Our Children to "Walk in the Truth"?

Mike Leake

When the Bible talks about walking in truth it is usually more than just believing a set of ideas. Walking in the truth is much more than believing bare facts about God, sin, humanity, Jesus Christ, a...

“Once in Royal David’s City:” A Timeless Reminder of the Gospel Message of Christmas

Rachel Britton

Knowing this poem was written for children gives sense to the lyrics. “Once” is similar to how a fairy tale starts, as in “Once upon a time.” However, I am sure Alexander never intended for the Christ...

4 Steps to Saying, Like Isaiah, “Here Am I Lord”

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Here I am Lord. Have you ever uttered those words? I can remember many times standing at the altar with tears in my eyes, declaring to the Lord, here I am. In the “old days” there was a song we used t...

Can We Still See God's Power in Boring Days?

Ruth Clemence

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably g...

10 Truths We Learn about Wisdom in Ecclesiastes 7

Sheila Alewine

The book of Ecclesiastes is King Solomon’s own accounting of his life’s pursuits. Gifted by God with wisdom exceeding any living man, innumerable possessions, and more wealth than he could spend in se...

Bible Study Won’t (Necessarily) Change Your Life

Trevin Wax

It is possible to know the Scriptures, read the Scriptures, revere the Scriptures and miss the point entirely....

Who Decided What Went into the Bible?

Hal Seed

Just about everyone wants to know how the sixty-six books got chosen to be in the Bible. Why these sixty-six? Why not a few more (or a few less)? Why these books and not others?...

What Are Parables? 5 Things Jesus Teaches Us

Kendra Fletcher

We call the stories that Jesus told “parables” because they illustrate a spiritual lesson in the life of the characters. In this way, parables are different from fables which also can impart a moral i...

Does Scripture Oppress or Liberate Women?

Catherine Segars

Scripture has a very different portrayal of women than any other ancient book. We do see the mistreatment of women in the Bible, but it is never commended or condoned. Let’s compare Scripture with anc...

Perspectives on Prayer from Daniel 9–10

Daniel chapters 9 and 10 provide an important look at how we should approach prayer. We see that prayer isn’t passive, it’s active. It’s really doing something. Prayer isn’t the least we can do, it’s ...

Why Is It Important That David's 'Cup Runneth Over'?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Psalm 23 is one that we turn to often, both for encouragement and courage in trying times. But despite the familiarity of these lines, there is still some odd language throughout. Specifically, what d...

5 Things You Are Forgetting about God

Alyssa Roat

We hear a lot of things about God. Books upon books have been written on his attributes. However, there are some attributes of God that we like to brush under the rug. These attributes are uncomfo...

What Exactly Is Sin?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When you think about what sin is, you must recognize that sin looks to dominate a person’s life. Sin doesn’t come in to be nice, sin comes in to take control. Sin is a relentless master that looks to ...

What Should Christians Know about Judgment Day?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Most major religions agree there is a judgment day. The Bible affirms that not only will there be a judgment day, where our final destination is determined, but what happens on that day will be very d...

Colossians 1:13-14 Reveals All God Has Done for Us

Bethany Verrett

Because God loved the people He created, He gave them the law. But the law could not redeem people from their sins, only show them their evil. To forever separate individuals from their sinful hearts,...

How Can We All Use Our Creative Talents to Glorify God?

Ruth Clemence

When we look at the intricacy of a snowflake, the symmetry of a butterfly, or the perfect location of the earth’s position in the rest of the solar system, we see the handiwork of our Creator God. He ...

Do Christians Need Both Testaments of the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. You can’t have one without the other to come to as full an understanding of Scripture (and Him) a...