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3 Beautiful Prayers for Christmas Eve

Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Prayer is a wonderful way to prepare your heart to receive the true blessings of Christmas. Here are some prayers for you to enjoy on Christmas Eve....

What Is Beauty through the Lens of the Gospel?

Christine Carter

We all know beauty is subjective. What one person perceives as stunning, another may glimpse and sneer at. Each one of us, in some manner or another, wrestles with the desire to feel attractive. Wha...

What Is the Meaning of Humility in the Bible?

Aaron Brown

The word humility appears various times throughout the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments. Where we read about humility, we see that this trait is something God desires for His people. Humility ...

6 Ways the Bible Tells Us What Church Should Look Like

Stephen Altrogge

To claim that the Bible doesn’t tell us what church should look like allows a person to substitute his own preferences for the clear teaching of scripture. So what does the Bible have to say about chu...

The Great Transformation of the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 

Adrian Rogers

God doesn’t just want to save you; He wants to transform you! ...

Does Your Prayer Time Feel Like a Monologue?

Kristi Walker

In these times when our human wills battle with the will of God, we need to remember those who have gone before us. Every person who has ever lived and had sincere faith in God has gone through simila...

What Is the Purpose of Atonement?

Ed Jarrett

The Scripture is clear concerning the essential nature of the atonement, and that the atonement was crucial in bringing humanity into the relationship with God that he wanted. But it did more than sim...

What Is the Mercy Seat, and Why Is It Important?

Ed Jarrett

The mercy seat in the Old Testament was God’s dwelling place among his people, and that is really a good description of Jesus as well. He was God, wrapped in human flesh, and dwelling among us – Emman...

Is Anger Always a Sin?

Meg Bucher

Jesus flipped a table in the temple out of righteous anger. There will be times in life where we will be called to have courage to get righteously mad....

What the Bible Tells Us about Demons and How to Protect Ourselves

Whitney Hopler

Learning about demons is unpleasant. But it’s important to know what the Bible says about demons in order to protect yourself from them....

Four Ways God Leads His People

John Piper

I see at least four methods that God uses to lead us in his will. I put them in four "D’s" to help me remember them....

Are the 10 Commandments Still Relevant for Us Today?

Heather Adams

Simple and direct, this list from God has had the power to equip believers throughout the ages to live well. The Laws are echoed throughout Scripture, and woven into the truths of the Old Testament, a...

What Does the Bible Say about Judging Others?

Feeling the eyes of judgement makes most people squirm. And yet, in our sinful minds it's so easy to jump to conclusions about people and sling words of judgement without a second thought. But what d...

Did a Census Really Bring Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem?

When others cast doubt on the historical accuracy of Bible events, such as the census mentioned in Luke 2, be prepared....

Why Worrying is a Failure to Grasp the Gospel

The root cause of worry is not misplaced priorities. It's misplaced faith. It's a failure to grasp the gospel of a God worthy of our trust....

Who is in the Driver’s Seat?

Pride is that which is destroying the testimony of many Christians and has made them very ineffective for God....

How Does the Bible Guide Us When We Face Temptation?

Dawn Wilson

Christians sometimes have naïve assumptions about temptation. Some think it will be obvious, but temptations are subtle and nuanced. Satan delights in taking us by surprise. ...

3 Unlikely Stories in the Bible That Inspire Us Toward Gratitude

Michael Jakes

We must never allow ingratitude to be named among us because Christians, more than anyone, have so much to be thankful for. Above all the things that we can be thankful for, we are to be most thankful...

What Should You Do When It Feels Like God Is Trying to Tell You Something?

Lisa Loraine Baker

People may desire the power that comes with saying, “God told me such and such,” but it is misguided. The only power we trust is that of God and His Spirit working in our lives....

Beautiful Psalms of Thanksgiving and Scripture Quotes to Inspire Gratitude

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Look to the inspiration of Psalms for Thanksgiving prayer and messages to loved ones. Be encouraged by the Word of God to give thanks for His glory, mercy, and grace....