Search Results for exodus 9

Found 263 Results for exodus 9
An Introduction to Corporate Election

Ed Jarrett

The Bible was written in a time when the family, clan, and tribe were very important. And one’s identity was largely based on the group they were a part of. For them, the idea of corporate election wo...

What Should You Do When It Feels Like God Is Trying to Tell You Something?

Lisa Loraine Baker

People may desire the power that comes with saying, “God told me such and such,” but it is misguided. The only power we trust is that of God and His Spirit working in our lives....

Lessons from Jude: Learning from Past Mistakes

Alice William

Today, we will focus on Jude 1:5-11 where the author draws references from the Old Testament reminding the audience of past sins and the lessons to learn from them....

What Was the Role of the High Priest?

Bethany Verrett

The High Priest is not like a pastor or priest, though both do have the ability and knowledge of the Scriptures to teach them. It is a mediator position, someone who intercedes between man and God, an...

What Do We Know about the Lost Tribes of Israel?

Betty Dunn

Scholars believe this is what happened to the 10 lost tribes of Israel. These tribes also settled far and wide around the earth. ...

Why Did Jesus Drive the Moneychangers out of the Temple?

Heather Adams

At first look, Jesus’ behavior might seem rash or out of character. But this was not a case of simply losing His temper - it was Him taking a firm stand for righteousness. ...

A Biblical Guide for Praying over Your Marriage

Liz Auld

This is why we must pray for our marriage through changing circumstances, our commitment is to love our spouse in good times and bad just as God loves us. We should pray for our marriage when things a...

10 Examples of Feminine Courage from Women in the Bible

Rachel Lehner

These women of the Bible knew the greatness of their God and had a boldness of speech to match....

What is Eschatology and Why Should Christians Care to Understand It?

Jessica Brodie

The Messiah, Jesus Christ, is precisely why it is important for Christians to be aware of eschatology, for the entire purpose of the Christ is wrapped up in God’s final plan for humanity. Jesus Christ...

How Can the Church Support Foster Families?

Sheila Alewine

Foster parents care for children who may or may not be orphans. Foster care is designed to be temporary, a time of separation so that the parent(s) can get needed help. The goal is always for a family...

Who Were Adam and Eve's Children?

G. Connor Salter

Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth, created in the very image of God. The Lord commanded them to be fruitful and multiply, and the Bible does mention a few of their children. So just what do ...

What Is a Scapegoat in the Bible, and Why Is Jesus Ours?

Lisa Loraine Baker

A scapegoat in the Bible is “the goat that goes away” (escape + goat). In essence, a scapegoat in the Bible is one who makes atonement for another (or redeems them). ...

Is It Actually Possible to Refrain from Anger?

Emma Danzey

Parents opt to leave home. Governments withhold help to their citizens. Co-workers lie to you. Is it actually possible to refrain from anger and turn from wrath?...

Who Are the 12 Tribes of Israel, and Why Are They Important?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

The 12 tribes or sons came from Jacob who the Lord renamed Israel in Genesis 32. If you read Genesis 49, you will see the 12 sons or what we now know as the 12 tribes. ...

Do You Have the Spiritual Gift of Exhortation?

Tim Pietz

Exhortation is filled with this same kindness and hope, but then it takes a second step—it incites its listeners to action....

Why Do We Tithe?

Pamela Palmer

When believers honor God with their wealth by giving a percentage of it back to God, there is great reward and blessing that comes as a result of their faithfulness. God blesses His children in many w...

How Long Is a Generation in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

How many years is a generation in the Bible? The answer helps us to understand not just how the Bible emphasizes the importance of family, but also why it's important to pass lessons on....

15 Things All Christians Should Know about Judaism

Bethany Verrett

Just because many people of Jewish descent have rejected Jesus, that does not mean God has turned His back on them. One of the beautiful prophecies in Revelation is that many Jews will turn to their t...

Does God Ever Change His Mind?

Changing our minds feels so natural to us as humans, it’s hard to envision life without it. But what would it mean for God to change his mind? Does he? Could he? Or are all his plans and purposes immu...

Why Do the Angels Say “Good Tidings of Great Joy”?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The shepherds were surrounded by bleating, smelly sheep and the dust that arose when they and their herds moved about. They had no idea what was about to happen — the pronouncement of the ages! ...