Search Results for new jerusalem

Found 318 Results for new jerusalem
How Do We Interpet the Strange Bible Verse that 'This Generation Shall Not Pass'?

Britt Mooney

What did Jesus really mean with his strange statement that “this generation shall not pass” before Jerusalem is destroyed?...

Daniel's Diary

Woodrow Kroll

Long before he was dropped into the lions’ den, Daniel’s faith endured a hostile environment....

What Is Shavuot and Is it Still Important Today?

Blair Parke

Shavuot demonstrates that we need to make time for God regularly, remembering what He gave to us not only through the Bible but through His son, Jesus Christ, on the cross. As we set aside these speci...

What Did Jeremiah Mean by 'There Is Balm in Gilead'?

Blair Parke

In the book of Jeremiah, there was one balm in particular mentioned, the balm of Gilead, of which the prophet Jeremiah asked God why He hadn’t supplied this treasured balm to help in the healing of hi...

What Is the Circumcision of the Heart?

Mike Leake

To circumcise the heart means to remove the cold, dead, calloused, stiff-necked hearts that so often marked the people and to instead turn fully — with the whole self — to the LORD in dedication. ...

Who Was Demas and What Do We Learn from His Errors?

Debbie W. Wilson

Perhaps the sacrifice of serving alongside Paul began to wear on him. He saw other men his age settling down and enjoying the pleasures of this life. Would it be so wrong to sample the good life?...

What Does the Bible say about Israel?

Jason Soroski

The history of Israel, and their unique relationship with God, is a rich and fascinating one that began in the Garden of Eden and continues to this very day. God is certainly not done with Israel!...

10 Ways to Really Encourage Single Missionaries

Heather Adams

As thrilling as missionary work may be at times, days are usually filled with physical labor or ministering to the needs of others. To stay strong, every worker needs undergirding, a strong foundation...

Why Does It Matter That Jesus Was Jewish?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus is the Son of God and the cornerstone of the Christians faith. His story is foreshadowed and echoed throughout every page of the Bible. But how can a man who was ethnically and religiously Jewis...

What Is the Great Schism of 1054?

Emily Hall

Pinpointing the causes and results of the Great Schism of 1054 is like trying to make sense of church infighting today. You’d have to go back decades for context and have a grain of salt on hand while...

Do We Know When and What Year Jesus Was Born?

Dikkon Eberhart

Jesus is the Christ, the savior of the world. He is so vastly important that the world’s dating hinges upon his birth—in B.C. (before Christ) or in A.D. (anno domini – “in the year of our Lord”)....

3 Insights to Help Us Understand the Book of Hebrews Better

Traci Boland

The letter to the Hebrews is a beautiful message of encouragement that rings true for us today. By understanding the difficulties and persecution the Hebrews faced, we understand the sermon as a call ...

Does Mark 11:25 Mean We Can’t Pray Until We Forgive Others?

Mike Leake

Jesus is showing that forgiveness is at the heart of His new community. One cannot merely offer outward expressions of religiosity. There needed to be real inward transformation. If you hate your brot...

God Is Spirit, Is This True?

Britt Mooney

In the Gospel of John, while speaking with the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus makes a bold declaration. “God is Spirit” (John 14:24). ...

The Role of Women in the Church: Are We Missing the Mark?

Eric Costanzo

There has been much debate regarding the “created order” and “the Fall” in Genesis 1-3, and how they relate to women preaching, teaching, and leading in the church according t...

Why Would Jesus Call a Zealot to Be His Disciple?

Joel Ryan

In the first century, the Zealots were a notorious sect of Jewish patriots who sought to overthrow the Roman occupation of Palestine through violence, terror, and political intimidation, often resorti...

What Is Dunamis, and What Kind of Power Does Jesus Give Believers?

Annette Griffin

God’s plan and design, power can become a destructive force. But when God’s power, dunamis, lives inside us we can be used by Him as an unstoppable vessel for good....