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Proverbs 2:22
22 but the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the unfaithful will be torn from it.
Proverbs 4:19
19 But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.
Proverbs 10:11
11 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
Proverbs 10:20
20 The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value.
Proverbs 10:27
27 The fear of the LORD adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short.
Proverbs 11:21
21 Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished, but those who are righteous will go free.
Proverbs 11:23
23 The desire of the righteous ends only in good, but the hope of the wicked only in wrath.
Proverbs 12:6
6 The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them.
Numbers 14:27
27 “How long will this wicked community grumble against me? I have heard the complaints of these grumbling Israelites.
Matthew 24:48
48 But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time,’
Psalms 75:4
4 To the arrogant I say, ‘Boast no more,’ and to the wicked, ‘Do not lift up your horns.
Psalms 94:16
16 Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?
Proverbs 12:10
10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
Proverbs 13:5
5 The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked make themselves a stench and bring shame on themselves.
Proverbs 14:32
32 When calamity comes, the wicked are brought down, but even in death the righteous seek refuge in God.
Psalms 10:2
2 In his arrogance the wicked man hunts down the weak, who are caught in the schemes he devises.
Psalms 11:6
6 On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot.
Ezekiel 21:25
25 “ ‘You profane and wicked prince of Israel, whose day has come, whose time of punishment has reached its climax,
Genesis 38:7
7 But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death.
2 Chronicles 20:35
35 Later, Jehoshaphat king of Judah made an alliance with Ahaziah king of Israel, whose ways were wicked.