Search Results for 1 corinthians 12

Found 21 Results for 1 corinthians 12
If Only I Had More

Philip Nation

As we move through the book of Ecclesiastes at The Fellowship, last Sunday I dealt with how we handle money and possessions. ...

Illustration: Contentment, Ambition

Chuck Swindoll writes, “You and I are afraid that if we open the door of contentment, two uninvited guests will rush in: loss of prestige and laziness. We really believe 'getting to the top’ is worth ...

Does God Really Talk to People?

In this week's sermon, you'll discover how to know God's voice when He speaks to us....

Static on the Line

This week we'll learn about how to clear the static on the line when it comes to hearing God speak. ...

The Three Voices of God

How can we hear from God? And what if the counsel we're getting seems to contradict?...

When You Are Misunderstood

Assumicide happens when you make false assumptions about others so that you can portray them in the worst possible light. Ever happen to you?...

Superficial vs. Spiritual Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:12-13 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in w...

Preaching for Life Change

Are there some particular insights you’ve gained during the years that help you preach for life change?...

Advent as an Antidote to Christian Boredom

Advent can be an antidote to the sinful slip into apathy, helping us to be astounded at the glory of God....

Study the Passage: The vital step in preparing powerful sermons

The first step in preparing a biblical message is to study the passage......

The Primacy of Preaching in a Healthy Church

Mark Dever explains why the regular diet of the church should consist of the explanation and application of particular portions of God’s Word. ...

What Is the Apostles' Creed?

Jared C. Wilson

The creed, attributed to the earliest missionary followers of Jesus, distills the basic outline of what it means to be a Christian into a short summation that belies the depth and richness of what it ...

8 Characteristics of Evangelistic Preaching

What does evangelistic preaching sound/look/feel like? Here are eight characteristics....

Rescuing Fallen Church Leaders

Joe Beam

Pick the sin and it’s likely that someone trusted as a leader in the kingdom of God has done it and been exposed....

Loving Our Enemies: A Divine Task

This ordeal left him blind in one eye so he could not take part in contact sports. Miraculously he suffered no brain damage and was fearfully aware that his abductor was still at large. He struggled w...