Search Results for 1 peter 1:18

Found 68 Results for 1 peter 1:18
How Can Faith Come by Hearing?

Lisa Baker

But faith comes by hearing. It can only come by hearing (Romans 10:17). The Apostle Peter, in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, spoke Scriptural truth as he quoted Joel and David....

Is God an Egomaniac for Asking Us to Worship and Praise Him?

Dr. David Kyle Foster

God's desire for us to worship Him is for our benefit, in countless ways. Here are some of the most life-changing....

What Do Christians Really Believe?

Stephanie Englehart

Belief in the gospel changes everything. Before Christ, we are lost in a sinless world with no hope, no satisfaction, and no purpose. With Christ, we have new life and new desires....

What Facts Do We Have to Prove the Resurrection?

Frank Santora

But one of the most difficult things for unbelievers to grapple with is the account of the resurrection of Jesus Christ found in the Gospels. Claiming a man came back to life after a torturous death a...

Is the Whole Bible about Jesus?

Ed Jarrett

So, is the whole Bible about Jesus? The answer to that depends on the level you are viewing it from. At a high level, I believe that the whole story arc is about Jesus and what he came to do. But at a...

The Jesus of Christmas Past, Present, and Future

Debbie W. Wilson

The thought of God entering the world as an infant is staggering. But that was only the beginning. Jesus’s mission always included the cross (1 Peter 1:18-20). The baby in the manger was the lamb of G...

Should We Be Reading the Bible Every Day?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We belong to Christ, and we are His bride (2 Corinthians 11:2). How do we get to know the One who saved us from the wrath of God except by spending time in His Word — the Bible? But is it biblical to ...

Why We Must “Walk in the Light, as He Is in the Light”

Lisa Loraine Baker

When we want to know and emulate someone, we spend as much time as possible with them. How much more should we take time to read and study God’s Word, for knowing His Word means knowing God. ...

Is Concupiscence, a Strong Sexual Desire, a Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Concupiscence is one of those words which derives its meaning from the context—specifically the object toward which it is directed. At its core, concupiscence is desire or coveting (epithymia)....

What Does the Bible Say about Heathens?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

If someone calls you a "heathen," you may not understand what it means. In the Bible, a heathen has a particular meaning connected to your relationship with God....

Why Is Jesus Called the Lamb of God?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The title Lamb of God puts a direct spotlight onto the primary mission for which Jesus came. He came to sacrificially offer his life for the redemption of humanity. More personally, he came to die for...

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is the only way a person will enter heaven. In these days of conformity and inclusivity, however, people rail against anything exclusive. Yes, Jesus is exclusively the only way to heaven, b...

How to Navigate the Holidays While Struggling with Depression

Heather Adams

With time, and lots of support, I’ve figured out that focusing on and celebrating what’s most important about this season helps me navigate the holidays with gladness rather than dread....

Is There Any Significance to Colors in the Bible?

Madeline Twooney

In modern Christianity, colors are used frequently to represent the differing facets of God’s character and promises. Colors, like numbers, have significant meaning in the Bible. Understanding w...

What Does the Bible Say about Ghosts?

Jessica Brodie

While the Bible is clear that spirits of deceased humans do not remain on earth as “ghosts” and haunt the living, the Bible is also clear that there are indeed spirit beings that inhabit the earth — a...

Are Fallen Angels Truth from the Bible or Fiction?

Hope Bolinger

Especially around the Halloween season, we can hear a lot about demons, otherwise known as “fallen angels.” We see depictions of these beings in movies, TV shows, and in popular literatu...

How Is the Lamb Worthy in Revelation 5?

Jessica Udall

Just like the lambs had to be spotless to be worthy to sacrifice for temporary atonement for God’s people, Jesus was also sinless and pure, “tempted just as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). ...

Was There Power in Jesus' Physical Blood?

Michael Jakes

Jesus was God-incarnate. He was (and still is) both fully God and fully man, with a body that felt the same joys and pains that we do. The miracle of the cross, of Jesus sacrificing himself for our si...

6 Things to Know about the Messianic Prophecies of Jesus

Dawn Wilson

Biblical scholars say there are approximately 2,500 prophecies are in the Bible—with about 2,000 of them already fulfilled. But only a few hundred of these are Messianic prophecies. Fulfilled prophecy...

Is God the Same in the Old and New Testaments?

Sheila Alewine

When you think of God in the New Testament, you probably think of Jesus - working miracles and sacrificing of himself for others. But God in the Old Testament is often wrathful. Old Testament tales ar...