Search Results for 2 corinthians 11:3

Found 10 Results for 2 corinthians 11:3
What Do Christians Really Believe?

Stephanie Englehart

Belief in the gospel changes everything. Before Christ, we are lost in a sinless world with no hope, no satisfaction, and no purpose. With Christ, we have new life and new desires....

God Is Spirit, Is This True?

Britt Mooney

In the Gospel of John, while speaking with the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus makes a bold declaration. “God is Spirit” (John 14:24). ...

Why We Should Reconsider What the Bible Really Says about Women in Ministry

Catherine Segars

Two scriptures are cited more than any other to silence women in the church. But what about the numerous other examples of female leadership in the Bible?...

Don't Waste Your Cancer

There are many other ways to waste your cancer. I am praying for myself and for you that we will not waste this pain....

How Can Christians Live the Biblical Definition of Wisdom?

Britt Mooney

The Bible speaks a great deal about wisdom. However, its definition of wisdom differs from what the world generally says....

What Was the Firmament That God Created on the Second Day?

Betty Dunn

On the second day of the Creation described here in Genesis 1, God commanded that there be a firmament separating the seas and oceans of Earth from the waters above the firmament. ...

What Does the Bible Say about Aliens and Extraterrestrial Beings?

Emma Danzey

As believers, it is important to have a viewpoint on what we believe about extraterrestrial beings. Today we will be exploring, what does the Bible say about aliens. ...

How Can We All Use Our Creative Talents to Glorify God?

Ruth Clemence

When we look at the intricacy of a snowflake, the symmetry of a butterfly, or the perfect location of the earth’s position in the rest of the solar system, we see the handiwork of our Creator God. He ...

The Women in Christ's Life: Anna, The Prophetess

As a widow and a single woman, Anna knew her purpose and she didn't let anyone's opinions or comments keep her from it. Her choice would not only affect her life in an abundant way, but also the lives...

What Happens Unless the Lord Builds the House?

Melissa Henderson

One of the Bible's more sobering lessons is that our plans will not progress "unless the Lord builds the house." So what do we do to make sure the Lord is building our house?...